Part 2. Unmasking Five Common Myths: Busted!

Published: 2024-02-26 00:00:00

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Get ready to dive back into some cool facts that'll blow your mind! This week we're here to bust five more myths that have been sticking around for ages.  Are you ready to learn what's real and what's just make-believe? It's time to put our detective caps on and uncover the truth together!

# 1. The Five Second Rule. Have you ever accidentally dropped a snack on the ground and then scooped it up super fast, thinking it's still okay to eat because of the five-second rule? Well, some curious folks did an experiment to see if this rule actually keeps germs away from our food. Guess what they found out? Germs can stick to the food almost the moment it touches the ground, revealing that the five-second rule isn't a real germ stopper after all!

#2. Eating Carrots Helps You See in the Dark. While carrots are packed with vitamins that are good for your eyes, they don't exactly give you night vision like a cat. But, they do have a nutrient called beta-carotene, which helps keep your eyes healthy and can improve your vision in dim light, not complete darkness. So, munching on carrots is great for your eyes, but it won't turn you into a nighttime superhero with night vision!

#3. You Can't Cook an Egg on the Hot Pavement. It is possible to cook an egg on hot pavement, but it needs to be really, REALLY hot! On super sunny days, the ground can get hot enough that if you crack an egg onto it, the heat from the pavement might cook the egg, just like it does in a frying pan. However, the pavement needs to be around 158 degrees Fahrenheit (70 degrees Celsius) for this to work, and that doesn't happen very often. So, while it's a fun idea to think about, you're probably better off cooking your egg on the stove for breakfast!

#4. Swallowing Gum Sticks Inside You for 7 Years. Swallowing gum doesn't mean it stays in your tummy for seven years; that's just a myth! Your body is super smart and knows it can't turn gum into energy like other food. But, just like a train keeps moving along the tracks, the gum keeps moving through your body and eventually leaves when you go to the bathroom. So, while it's not a good idea to swallow gum on purpose, if it happens by accident, you don't need to worry about it sticking around for years.

#5. You Can Catch a Cold From Being Cold. Catching a cold from just being cold is a myth! Colds are caused by tiny germs called viruses, not by chilly weather. When it's cold outside, we tend to stay indoors more and get closer to other people, which makes it easier for cold germs to jump from one person to another. The cold air isn't what makes you sick. It's the germs that you come into contact with when you're all bundled up inside with others that can make you sick!

So, as we've discovered together, many of the tales we hear are just myths and not true at all! It's super important to ask questions and look for the real facts, because that's how we learn what's actually true. By becoming myth busters ourselves, we can uncover all sorts of fascinating truths and share them with our friends and family, making the world a little bit smarter, one busted myth at a time!

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