
Watch the weekly seminars from our CEO, Royce Wells!

Session Name Date Link
A New Tariff In Town 2025-03-02
Tell me about the Rallies again George? 2025-02-23
Wait For It! 2025-02-16
Interest Rate Hike! That's Super Bold! 2025-02-09
Knee-Deep In Market Volatility! 2025-02-02
Hello World 2025! 2025-01-26
Let's Get Naked 2025-01-19
Dip Baby Dip! Come On Dip Baby Dip! 2025-01-12
Welcome Home Carter! 2025-01-05
2024... That Was Close 2024-12-29
Europe EurDown 2024-12-22
Not A creature Was Stirring 2024-12-15
Putin On the Ritz? 2024-12-08
Crypto Rally? You Jive Turkey! 2024-11-24
We wish to Welcome You to Musk Win Land? 2024-11-17
Who Moved My Market 2024-11-10
Remember, Remember The 5th of November 2024-11-03
Peek A Boo 2024-10-27
I "AI"nt Scared 2024-10-20
Mystery Box 2024-10-13
De Ja New? 2024-10-06
Let's Go Defense! 2024-09-29
I know it was you 2024-09-15
Buy The Dip? 2024-09-08
Hot Or Not? 2024-09-01
The Bulls Are Back In Town! 2024-08-25
Don't Make Me Cut You! 2024-08-11
Perks Packed with Profit! 2024-08-04
Give Me A Break 2024-07-28
You must be this tall to ride! 2024-07-21
The Buck Stops Here?! 2024-07-14
Live or Memorex?! 2024-07-07
Look Before You Leap! 2024-06-30
WHOA, WHoA, Gravity 2024-06-23
Who's Your Daddy? 2024-06-16
Wallets weep From Inflation woes 2024-06-09
No Whey! Take Two 2024-06-02
Feel The Bern! 2024-05-26
Check, Please! 2024-05-19
Up! Up! And Away! 2024-05-12
Wait There's More! 2024-05-05
Better Off... Fed? 2024-04-28
Be Thankful for what you halve! 2024-04-21
Get Out of Doge? 2024-04-14
Take Your Profit. Tick... Tick! 2024-04-07
Has your portfolio Risen Too? 2024-03-31
Face psalm Sunday 2024-03-24
Breath in Breath Out All Clear? 2024-03-17
This is Ground Control To Major Tom 2024-03-10
Bears Snitch, Bulls Switch 2024-02-18
Clarity Among Mixed Signals 2024-02-11
Top Of The Market To YA 2024-02-04
Red Screen AT Morning, Investors Take Warning 2024-01-28
Lights! Camera! Rug Pull! 2024-01-21
Icy Investment , snowball into Financial Success 2024-01-14
The Good The Bad And The Ugly 2024-01-07
Don't Drop The Ball 2023-12-31
Silver And Gold... Silver And Gold... 2023-12-24
I've got big bulls! You've got big bulls! 2023-12-17
I like big Bucks and I can not lie! 2023-12-10
Stock Market Coal-Lapse? Maybe... Maybe Not! 2023-12-03
Why Can't You Behave 2023-11-19
Somewhere... That's... Green 2023-11-12
Remember, Remember The 5th Of November 2023-11-05
I thought it over and green is dead! 'till I change my mind, the color is red 2023-10-29
Should I stay or should I go now... 2023-10-22
525600 Minutes... 2023-10-15
He Did The Math! He Did The Market Math! 2023-10-08
Exit Light! Enter Night! 2023-09-30
House Of Cards 2023-09-24
Throwing Yen The Towel! 2023-09-17
You're Pulling My Leg Right? 2023-09-10
Currency Comet 2023-09-03
No One Mourns The Wick-ed 2023-08-27
Rock, Paper, Scissors, Shoot! 2023-08-20
Hammer Time! 2023-08-13
When you're alone and life is making you lonely.. 2023-08-06
Big Trend Energy 2023-07-30
An ounce of patience is worth a pound of profit! 2023-07-23
99 blue balloons go by… 2023-07-16
A bear market... that's just.. bully?! 2023-07-09
dollar recall?! I'll be back! 2023-07-02
O...Mega Correction... 3?! 2023-06-20
Coming to America...3? 2023-06-11
Bear market.... raaaawr! 2023-06-04
Rally in the front, party in the back... 2023-05-28
Glass Ceiling? Debt Ceiling?! Let's Limbo! 2023-05-21
Quiet Before The Storm 2023-05-14
Curtain Up! Light the Lights! Places Please! Are you prepared? 2023-05-07
Another Black Swan? Oh, would you look at that! 2023-04-30
The 7 year recession: Did someone break a mirror? 2023-04-23
Bull Market 09/01/2009 - 01/03/2023 2023-04-16
No Bulls Allowed! 2023-04-13
Don't Be Average! 2023-04-02
Not All Curves Are Good... 2023-03-26
Hey Swaggers, throw another banger on the Barbee! 2023-03-19
Run baby... run baby... run... 2023-03-12
Trading on Training Wheels 2023-03-05
Dolla Dolla Bill, Y'all... 2023-02-26
Don’t Go Chasin’ Phony Calls… 2023-02-19
No, Crypto… not like this. Not like this… 2023-02-12
The Fed: "You're Among Friends... Too bad they aren't your friends" 2023-02-05
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road... 2023-01-29
A Penny for the spool of thread... Pop! Goes The Weasel 2023-01-15
Lions And Tigers and Bulls... Oh My! 2023-01-08
2023 said to 2022: Hold My Beer 2022-12-31
Green To Red Machine Head 2022-12-04
The Buck Stops Here Or Does It? 2022-11-27
You snooze, You Lose! 2022-11-20
Yo, pump up the jam! Pump it up! 2022-11-13
RollerCoaster Of Love 2022-11-06
Maybe All That Glitters Is Not Gold? 2022-10-30
2020?, 2021?!, 2022 Mulligan! 2022-10-23
Who's ready for a Santa Claus Rally? 2022-10-16
Watch Out For That Last Step! it's a Lou Lou! 2022-10-09
Want a relief Rally? Chew On This! 2022-10-02
Blue 22! Blue 22! Fed Hike! 2022-09-25
Defense Against The Bear Market 2022-09-18
So... Let them eat cake?! 2022-09-11
You've got a Yen In Me... 2022-09-04
The Sun'll Come Out Tomorrow... 2022-08-28
Don't Fear The Reaper 2022-08-21
Into The Woods We Go Again 2022-08-14
I'm standing on the edge of some crazy cliff 2022-07-31
Sunday! Bloody Sunday 2022-07-24
You Call That A Big Bottom? 2022-07-17
He Floats Through the Air With the Greatest of Ease.... 2022-07-10
Help is on the Way! 2022-07-03
Had it Not Been for Cotton Eye Joe... 2022-06-26
Carry On My Wayward Son 2022-06-19
Buy The Dip? I don't think so! 2022-06-12
Snap! Bear Market... I am inevitable. 2022-06-05
A Rally? Oh Really?! What a relief! 2022-05-22
2022: The Mother Of All Recessions? 2022-05-08
Ewe can go your own way! Go your own way! 2022-05-01
Keep my stock's name out of your fake news! 2022-04-24
December 27 2007 Versus Today 2022-04-10
Don't Just Stand There 2022-04-03
Do Syvedanya to Bull Markets 2022-03-27
Red Rover, Red Rover Send China Over 2022-03-20
Who's afraid of the big RED Wolf 2022-03-13
Tell Me About The Rallies again, George 2022-02-27
All Hands Abandon Ship 2022-02-20
Lions and Tigers and Bulls, Oh My! 2022-02-13
Dumpster Fire Rally Higher 2022-01-30
Ready for my Close-up, Mr. Demille! 2022-01-23
No Doge In This Race 2022-01-16
Everybody Out of the Liquidity Pool 2022-01-02
Secure The Bag 2021-12-26
Keep the change, You Filthy Animal... 2021-12-19
And THIS is why we cant have nice things! 2021-12-12
Tip Of The Iceberg or Buy the dip 2021-12-05
Alerts Within Arbitrage Trade 2021-11-28
The Rise Of Crypto In Forex 2021-11-21
Fall Down Friday And More 2021-11-19
Back To The Basics Arbitrage Bands 101 2021-11-14
Back to the Basics and Forex Futures 2021-11-14
No More FOMO 2021-11-07
Going Once, Going Twice, Sell? 2021-10-31
Dash and Dash Jr 2021-10-10
Gold Standard... Again?! 2021-10-03
Dead Cat Bounce Or Really A Rally? 2021-09-26
Feeling Lucky, Punk 2021-09-19
Stroke of Luck! 2021-09-12
Good, Better, Best Market Exits 2021-09-05
What Goes Up Must Come Down 2021-09-01
That's a bunch of Bull Markets 2021-08-29
Sunday Seminar 2021-08-22
CryptoCurrency Bear Market? or Just another Dip? 2021-08-18
Easy Come, Easy Go 2021-08-08
Q & A Session 2021-07-23
New Year With The Arbitrage Bands 2020-12-31
Sunday Seminar 2020-10-04
Sunday Seminar 2020-09-20
Sunday Seminar 2020-09-13
Arbitrage Bands 10 2020-09-06
Sunday Seminar 2020-08-23
Sunday Seminar 2020-08-16
Arbitrage Atlas Ranges 2020-08-09
Sunday Seminar 2020-08-02
Atlas 6.0 2020-07-26
Sunday Seminar 2020-07-19
Swing Trading and Investing 2020-05-31
Swing Trading and Investing 2020-05-30
Scalping Strategy 2020-05-18
Sunday Seminar 2020-04-26
Sunday Seminar 2020-04-19
Sunday Seminar 2020-04-05
Introducing Arbitrage Z 2020-03-27
Sunday Seminar 2020-03-22
Sunday Seminar 2020-03-08
Arbitrage Demo 2020-02-23
Sunday Seminar 2020-02-16
Arbitrage Demo 2020-02-09
Sunday Seminar 2020-01-26
Sunday Seminar 2020-01-19
Sunday Seminar 2020-01-12
Sunday Seminar 2019-12-29
Sunday Seminar 2019-12-29
Sunday Seminar 2019-12-22