Master the Lingo: Decoding Gen Z and Millennial Slang to Keep Your Conversations Lit!

Published: 2024-05-29 00:00:00

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Do you ever feel like you need a decoder to keep up with today's conversations? Chatting with Gen Z and Millennials can sometimes feel like cracking a secret code. From TikTok trends to social media slang, "low-key" their unique vocabulary is constantly evolving! Let's decode a few of the most popular terms and see how you can use them to join in conversations with confidence:


Explanation: To "flex" is to show off or boast about something.

Example: I told my cat I had more Instagram followers than him; he just yawned and knocked my phone off the table - classic feline flex.


Explanation: "Slay" means to perform exceptionally well or look fantastic.

Example: You totally slayed that presentation today!


Explanation: "Vibe" refers to the mood or atmosphere of a place, situation, or person.

Example: This coffee shop has such a chill vibe.


Explanation: To "throw shade" means to make an underhanded critical remark toward someone.

Example: Did you hear his comments during the meeting? He definitely threw shade at her proposal.


Explanation: "Sus" is short for suspicious or suspect.

Example: That email from the unknown address seems sus to me.


Explanation: "Lit" means something is exciting, fun, or excellent.

Example: The concert last night was totally lit!

I'm Screaming

Explanation: "I'm screaming" is used to express that something is extremely funny or shocking.

Example: That meme you sent me was so funny, I'm screaming!


Explanation: "Bet" is a term used to affirm or agree with someone, similar to saying "sure" or "you got it."

Example: "Want to go to the movies tonight?" "Bet!"


Explanation: She's on the same level as Felicia. The term "Karen" often describes an entitled mom who can be quite annoying with her constant demands.

Example: A Karen often requests to "speak to the manager." She might also sport a large bob haircut and drive a Volvo.

Spilling Tea

Explanation: "Tea" refers to gossip.

Example: Right after Christmastime, Grandma Linda started spilling tea about how "it really is really none" of her business about Uncle Jon's secret whiskey cabinet.


Explanation: "Yeet" can be used as an exclamation of excitement or approval, or to describe the action of throwing something with force.

Example: He yeeted his old phone into the pool when he found out he got a new one.


Explanation: "Cap" means to exaggerate or lie, while "no cap" means to tell the truth or to be serious about something.

Example: He said he could lift 300 pounds at the gym, but that's cap.


Explanation: "Water" means something that is easy.

Example: That math test was water!

My hopes are you are now more aware of the trendy lingo that is popping up in conversations today. With these terms in your back pocket, you can keep up with the "high key" slang, and maybe even impress your younger friends and family with your up-to-date vocabulary. So go ahead, flex your new skills, and keep the vibes dope!

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