Tips to Beat Grocery Store Inflation

Published: 2024-07-19 00:00:00

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Have you noticed that you're paying more for groceries? You are not alone. Although inflation is easing slightly, grocery prices are still high - up nearly 21% on average since inflation started to surge more than three years ago. Unlike some other items, you can't just stop buying groceries when they get pricey. While there is nothing you can do about inflation, you can find ways to save on groceries so they don't heavily impact your wallet. Here are some recommendations on how you can save money on groceries.

Utilize Coupons

You may think that using coupons means cutting them out of a magazine or newspaper. While you can certainly still do that, there are now easier ways to get the discounts. Many stores, like Kroger and Target, have coupons available on their apps. In addition, apps like Flipp (which lets you browse for coupons from all major grocery stores) and Ibotta (an app that gives you cashback for using coupons) can make your journey with couponing easier.

Review What You Have

Make sure that you know what you currently have in your fridge and your pantry. Sarah Schweisthal, personal finance expert and social media manager, recommends taking everything out and making an inventory so you don't buy duplicates of things you already have on hand. Check expiration dates and cook with the ingredients that will expire first. If you can, plan to cook multiple meals with similar ingredients; this saves money and cuts down on food waste.

Meal Plan

Planning your meals can be as simple as writing down a list on paper or in your phone's notes app. In addition, you can use apps that specifically help you with meal planning such as AnyList or Mealime. Then use your meal plan to make a grocery list.

Shop Online

Roaming up and down the aisles can sometimes make you crave things that you haven't planned for; impulse buys can be one of the most costly habits of grocery shopping. Shopping online and then picking up curbside is a good workaround for this. If you buy your groceries from multiple stores because each has better prices on some items, ordering ahead of time can also save time.

Compare Prices

In addition to comparing prices between stores, also check among different brands. Supermarkets put the more costly name-brand items at eye level, which can tempt you to spend more money on these items. But if you look at the top or bottom of the shelves, you can often find generic brands that are cheaper and often taste just as good. Next time you go shopping, try a generic brand to save money.

Don't Buy Prepared Foods

While buying pre-cut veggies, shredded cheese, and pre-made meals can save time while cooking, stores often charge more for this convenience. Instead, opt for whole items, such as fresh or frozen veggies and block cheese, to save money. Instead of buying pre-cut salad mix, buy whole heads of lettuce and other vegetables, and chop them yourself. It's more economical and often fresher.

Use a Reward Credit Card

Check your credit card rewards. Some cards give cash back on grocery purchases. When doing this, make sure you understand what qualifies as a "grocery store." For example, for one of my credit cards, stores like Kroger and Whole Foods count as grocery stores, but Target and Wal-Mart do not.

A little advance preparation can go a long way when you're looking to save money on groceries. It often starts with planning your meals and creating a shopping list. Don't forget to check store sales and coupons. Knowing in advance exactly what you need to buy can keep you from wasting money and food by purchasing items you ultimately won't eat.

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