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Littlebear: Friendly, Fluffy and CEO of This Household

Written by Arbitrage2025-03-03 00:00:00

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As a mere mortal, I used to believe I ran my own home. That was before I realized the real boss is Littlebear, my fluffy, sweet, yet highly strategic orange Persian cat, who maintains an iron paw over household operations. Hence, I will share with you the undeniable proof that "Bears" (as another paying household adult calls him) is actually in charge.

1. He Enforces Food Bowl Compliance

Littlebear has a zero-tolerance policy for visible bowl bottoms. If he approaches his dish and can see even the slightest hint of empty space, an immediate staring contest begins. I, his devoted mom or "Meowm," am expected to respond accordingly, lest the situation escalate into audible complaints. He doesn't demand food; he negotiates with intensity.

2. He Controls Household Morale

Little bear is the sweetest, fluffiest boy cat ever. His cuddles, slow blinks, deep purring, and tiny nose boops make every human who has either met him or seen his photos, feel like they've been chosen by royalty- pup mortals included. However, should the household fall out of favor (see: an unsatisfactory food bowl situation), morale is immediately lowered through his pointed glares of disappointment and distinctive lip smacking.

3. He Regulates the Litter Box with Tactical Precision

When his litter box reaches an unacceptable level of fullness, Littlebear does not complain. Oh no, instead he takes action. An occasional royal offering is dropped with great displeasure and necessity, and always in a carefully chosen location. They are silent yet unmistakable messages to the humans that litter box maintenance has failed. A warning shot, if you will.

4. He Has a Strong Work-Life Balance

Unlike us mere mortals, who struggle to set boundaries, Littlebear has mastered the art of relaxation. He lounges indoors, in the most luxurious and sunny spots, stretches out dramatically, and only exerts effort when absolutely necessary (such as galloping across the house at 3 AM for no reason). He is a role model in self-care.

5. He Loves His Mom but Keeps Her Humble Littlebear seeks affection from all humans, but favors primarily female feline lovers. Still, his loyalty and adoration of "meowm" makes me feel like the most important human in the world. However, he will not hesitate to put me in my place if I dare neglect his royal expectations. Dare I bring another shady human in his presence, as he will pretend his ingrained affectionate nature. For example, he remembers most recently being scooped up in the arms of male mortal for whom he knew for some years, and for whom Littlebear intuitively knew had ill intentions towards me. Through long, calculated, and judgement-filled stares, or an occasional meow or a dropping, I am reminded that although I am his mom, he is the one in charge.

At this point, I have accepted my role in Littlebear's cat-dome. And honestly? I wouldn't have it any other way.

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