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Free Summer Beach Fun While Saving Money and Enjoying Summer Days

Published: 2020-12-20 00:00:00

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All beaches offer opportunities for lots of fun. Yet often the activities include pricey stores, amusements, and food. Here are some easy and costless ways to enjoy the beach.

Get Up Early to Watch the Sunrise

One of the freshest ways to begin a day is by watching the sunrise. For beaches facing eastern shores, the sun appears to rise from the waters, casting a glow upon the horizon and reflecting in the waves or ripples. Even for those folks on beaches facing west, the sunrise can create magical moments and scenes. During this time, the day is still ahead. Watching the sunrise gives some time to consider all the ways to enjoy the day as the early morning literally casts a fresh light on life.

Beach Activities

Walking or running on beaches costs nothing, but the rewards are great. The sand provides great exercise. On ocean shores, the fresh scent of salt water can be invigorating. The crashing of waves sends an ocean spray to help cool and refresh. According to article "The Mental Benefits of Walking," the many mental health benefits of walking-the brain boost, the soaring of spirits, the almost meditative state-are joined by physical benefits that include stronger bones and healthier hearts.


Some people like to wade in the water, while others enjoy the full immersion of swimming. Wading is a great way to enjoy the water without getting totally wet. With ocean tides coming in and out, wading takes energy, and offers chances to feel the sand washing over feet and legs. Swimming in the ocean is a challenging and exciting activity. The main rule is to never turn a back to the ocean, or risk getting dunked by a sudden wave. Despite the challenges, riding over the waves, or body-surfing into shore are the main ways to enjoy the summer day.

Playing in the sand can adapt for all ages. Kids love to dig holes and tunnels. They spend hours making sandcastles. They love searching for pebbles or shells on the shore or in the surf. Grownups can participate in these activities, or just enjoy wiggling their toes in the sand and feeling the softening effects on the feet. Playing in the sand is one of the best ways to relax and enjoy the day.

Enjoy the Weather

Whether the weather is a cloudless blue or a stormy gray, the natural scenes is a source of pleasure. Of course, everyone hopes for good weather for the beach. Yet, the stormy weather can also be exciting from the safety of shelter. Beach storms, with blowing winds, dark clouds, lightening, thunder, and rain can all help cool hot days and bring a change of scenes. This is the time to play a board game, watch a movie, or read a book.

Stay Up Late to Watch the Moonrise and Stars

With clear weather, the evening celestial skies offers the cycles of the moon and the patterns of the stars. During full moons, enjoy the moonlight reflecting on the water. When the moon is waxing or waning, it is fun to watch each night as the moonlight changes in lightness or darkness each night. Even on nights with no moon, the night sky gives dramatic scenes.

Leave Only Your Footprints

Many beaches now post signs asking folks to leave only their footprints. Many beaches also ban glass containers. Most beaches provide receptacles for things we are throwing away. In addition, more and more beaches offer recycling bins. While cleaning after ourselves might not seem like a fun activity, there can be real pleasure in knowing that these actions keep the beaches clean and fresh without costing a penny.

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