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Ways to Reduce Christmas Spending: Enjoying the Festive Season and Avoiding Credit Card Debt

Written by Arbitrage2020-12-19 18:00:00

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Christmas may be a time that people look forward to, but it is also a time of great concern. If you are already struggling with credit card debt, the cost of the Christmas holiday can be an unwelcome addition. Thankfully, there are still a number of ways that enable people to enjoy the festive period and reduce Christmas spending.

Use Online Price Checkers to Reduce Christmas Spending

Using online price checkers will help secure discounts on Christmas gifts, such as electrical equipment and furniture. Price checkers verify the prices charged by a number of retailers allow customers to secure the most attractive Christmas prices.

Save Money On Extended Warranties for Those Christmas Deals

If an extended warranty is needed on major purchases it is a lot cheaper to buy these separately online than from a large department store. Don't be talked into buying an extended warranty at it will be vastly more expensive.

Secure Discounts on Christmas Gifts with Bulk Buying

Friends rarely all live in the same area so use this concept to reduce Christmas spending on presents. It is possible to pick up several identical items on eBay for little more than the price of one. Due to the geographical spread of friends, they won't be any the wiser and the inflated Christmas prices will be vastly reduced.

Second Class Postage When Sending Christmas Cards

If there are lots of people to write to, send Christmas cards by second class post early to reduce Christmas spending. It just requires a bit of planning as waiting to the last minute provides fewer options. If email is an option, a free web card could even be considered.

The Cost of Credit Card Debt and Loans

Getting a payday loan may seem like the answer, but it is a costly and uneconomical solution. The high rate of APR will result in a large amount of interest for the convenience of a burst of cash. If a loan is needed, it is better to get an unsecured loan from a regular high street lender. It will cost a lot less and the Consumer Credit Act 1974 extends the right to pay back the loan at any time.

Discount Codes to Buy Food Online and Celebrate Christmas in Style

Buying Christmas food online can actually save time, gas, and money. You can sometimes find online discount codes for the stores you want to shop!

Buy at Charity Shops, Reduce Christmas Spending, and Help the Less Fortunate

There are some great bargains to be picked up at charity shops, especially for those prepared to invest a little time and effort searching for those Christmas deals. Visit as many charity shops as possible and items can be regularly identified that sell for 10% of their retail value.

By following these few simple ideas it is possible to significantly cut the cost of Christmas. Try to avoid too much credit card debt as this should not be the lasting memory of the festive season each year. If debt problems do start to become more of a factor, always remember that a solution is almost always available.

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