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Spooky Scary Skeleton, They’re Selling Him Online
Published on 10/28/2021

In the spirit of Halloween we have another spooky article for you. A TikToker has gone viral because he sells human bones online. This is not a new conversation. In fact, due to a Tumblr post in 2015, the same ethics debate came about - should it be legal to sell human bones/remains online? Which, to be clear, the issue in 2015 was that a person was stealing bones from a cemetery and selling them and that is not the case this time. This time, it's the video platform TikTok’s fault.

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Housing Hunger Games
Published on 10/26/2021

Can't find an affordable place to buy or even rent? You're not alone. In the Memphis area, it’s been insane. Since the pandemic began, home prices and rents have drastically risen. And a new analysis from the Shelby County Property Assessors Office found out-of-town investors are scooping up thousands of properties.

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Where Are the Job Seekers?
Published on 10/25/2021

Earlier this year, an insistent cry arose from business leaders and Republican governors: cut off a $300-a-week federal supplement for unemployed Americans. Many people, they argued, would then come off the sidelines and take the millions of jobs that employers were desperate to fill. Yet three months after half the states began ending that federal payment, there’s been no significant influx of job seekers.

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Holy Crap, Kirk is in Space!
Published on 10/21/2021

Hollywood’s Captain Kirk, 90-year-old William Shatner, blasted into space last Wednesday in a convergence of science fiction and science reality, reaching the final frontier aboard a ship built by Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin company.

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Santa's Having Shipping Problems
Published on 10/20/2021

Running out of time to get its products on store shelves ahead of the holidays, the Basic Fun toy company made an unprecedented decision: It’s leaving one-third of its iconic Tonka Mighty Dump Trucks destined for the U.S. in China.

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Put that thing back where it came from or so help me...
Published on 10/19/2021

Have you ever read an article that had you thinking "that sounds like a great way to get a curse" or maybe "please put that back before we are stuck in a dark age?" In today's Arbitrage Blog post, it will be that back to back - of course, in the spirit of Halloween.

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What's Art Anyway?
Published on 10/18/2021

A Danish artist who was was given a pile of money by a museum with which to create a piece of artwork, submitted two empty canvases - titled “Take the Money and Run.”

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Making Something Out of Nothing- Water Edition
Published on 10/15/2021

The machine Ted Bowman helped design can make water out of the air, and in parched California, some homeowners are already buying the pricey devices. The air-to-water systems work like air conditioners by using coils to chill air, then collect water drops in a basin.

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Facebook Outage Shows Dependance
Published on 10/14/2021

The six-hour outage at Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp was a headache for many casual users but far more serious for the millions of people worldwide who rely on the social media sites to run their businesses or communicate with relatives, fellow parents, teachers or neighbors.When all three services went dark Monday, it was a stark reminder of the power and reach of Facebook, which owns the photo-sharing and messaging apps.

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Brother, Can You Spare a $1 Trillion Coin?
Published on 10/13/2021

Some politicians think they’ve found a silver bullet for the impasse over the debt limit, except the bullet is made of platinum: mint a $1 trillion coin, token of all tokens, and use it to flood the treasury with cash and drive Republicans crazy.

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Spooky Spooky Skeleton, He’s not Really Green
Published on 10/08/2021

It’s that time of year! No, not December yet and not Christmas time; it’s spooky time, also known as October with the major “holiday” Halloween. You know what’s spookier than Halloween? Things we have been tricked into believing are “green” or “low harm” that are actually not as "green" as they seem.

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Ford Trucks Built Green Tough?
Published on 10/07/2021

When Ford revealed plans to ramp up its commitment to the fledgling electric vehicle sector, the automaker chose to create thousands of jobs and pump billions in investments into two states where Republican leaders have vilified the push for green energy and defended fossil fuels.