Arbitrage Glossary

Term Definition Related Terms
3D The 3D Indicator in the Arbitrage Bands Trading System is a 3 standard deviation cloud map of probability, showing a clear path in which the candles must travel. The 3D Indicator allows you to visually see the edge of probability for each band and eliminate improbable price points. This indicator uses 4 of the 7 bands of the Arbitrage Bands Trading System. 3D, indicator
3D Pro The 3D Pro Indicator takes 3D to the next level by using all 7 of the bands in our Arbitrage Bands Trading System. 3D Pro allows you to see probabilities on multiple timeframes or on the same band on multiple timeframes. 3D Pro, indicator
3rd Deviation As candles get to the edge of 3rd deviation of the band, it acts as a point of resistance and should slowly drift in the opposite direction. Arbitrage Band System
Aggressive Entries

While Aggressive TRAP looks for aggressive exits, this setting looks for aggressive trade entries.  With this setting, Arbitrage Trade Assist looks for opportunities that are counter to the long term trend.  The long term trend is just one of 12 possible entry points; by enabling this setting, you are willing to use the other 11 possible entry points before the long term trend changes.

ATA setting, risk management
Aggressive Trailing Stop As soon as the position is open, the Trailing Stop is active.  Whatever your trailing stop value is, if the position draws down that much, Arbitrage Trade Assist will close the position for that loss. ATA setting, risk management
Aggressive TRAP When you enable the Trend Reversal Awareness Protection (TRAP) setting, you have the option to enable Aggressive TRAP. This setting is ideal for ultraconservative traders.  Every time a pair’s price crosses any deviation, Arbitrage Trade Assist will take profit - regardless of if it is a buy or a sell.  Aggressive TRAP checks at every deviation for an opportunity to take profit - in both directions.  If you are positive in the trade, it will take the profit. ATA setting, risk management
Arbitrage Bands The Arbitrage Bands Trading System is composed of 7 distinct bands, each reflecting different sample sizes (number of candles). In order from smallest to largest they are the RSI, Arbitrage, Novice, Intermediate, Advance, Apocalypse, and Infinity bands. These bands form the foundation of our entire Arbitrage Bands Trading System. Bands, indicator
Arbitrage Buy/ Sell Entry

The Compass Line has crossed the RSI Line (either over or under) confirming direction of the trend within the band in use (Arbitrage, Novice, Intermediate, Advance, Apocalypse). As you can see in the picture below: the Green Triangle indicates the beginning of a new buy-trend, and the Red Triangle indicates the beginning of a new sell-trend. This feature is enabled by choosing 'Show Band exits/ Show exits'. 

Arbitrage, Novice, Intermediate, Advance, Apocalypse, and Atlas
Arbitrage Candle Colors

Candle colors are based on the  navy blue compass line within the arbitrage band indicator.  This function is enabled by 'Show Candle Colors'. 

Blue: The compass has a negative slope, indicating a sell trend is in progress.

Magenta: only appears when the RSI Line is sitting within the UDZ and the compass line has crossed under the RSI Line, this candle indicates a high probability of a sell trend. 

White: The slope of the compass has not changed. 

Yellow: The compass has a positive slope, indicating a buy trend is in progress.

Green: Only appears when the RSI Line is sitting within the LDZ and the compass line has crossed over the RSI Line, this candle indicates a high probability of a buy trend. 

Arbitrage Stop and Reverse (ASAR) The Arbitrage Stop and Reverse (ASAR) is a stand-alone version of Stop and Reverse that is included in Atlas 18 Pro. ASAR allows you to follow each candle and know if you are in a buy trend or a sell trend based on the location and color of the dot that appears above or below the candle. Stop, Reverse, ASAR, indicator
Arbitrage Z

-Top green section means buys are trending within a sustainable uptrend means sells are trending within a sustainable downtrend. 

- When the trend line pokes out of the top green area (into white) it means the uptrend is over bought and must correct, creating a brief downtrend.

- Z Line is the average of all the bands' probability. It gives you an idea of the overall trend. 

RSI Line
Asking Price - Offering Price The lowest price any potential seller is willing to accept for a particular security. price
Atlas The Atlas Indicator in the Arbitrage Bands Trading System is a powerful tool that can be used as a beginner but will also scale with you as you grow as a trader. Atlas is the primary indicator for alerts within the Arbitrage Bands Trading System. Atlas, indicator
Atlas Component: Show MTF The 'Show MTF' component shows the highest and lowest values of the previous candle on a specified time frame. This helps to illustrate where strong support and resistance is on the current time frame.  Atlas
Atlas Component: Show Windows

Aqua '$' - A window of Profit is opening up

       - When the Atlas band is green, aqua $ means it could be the end of that buy trend

       - When the Atlas band is red, aqua $ means it could be the end of that sell trend

Red '$' - means it is the potential end of a downtrend 

        - Could be a potential bottom- extremely risky entrance for a BUY

Green '$'- means it is the potential end of an uptrend

        - Could be a potential top- extremely risky entrance for a SELL

Atlas Indicator

Atlas is the primary indicator for alerts within the arbitrage bands trading system.

It is comprised of: 

- Multi Time Frame indicator

- Top Bots

- Band Exits

- Candle Colors 

- Windows of profit 

- Highs

- Lows

- High Lows

- Low Highs

Atlas Components
Atlas Pro The Atlas Pro Indicator in the Arbitrage Bands Trading System combines Atlas, SR, and ASAR to make a super indicator. This single indicator is great for the minimalist trader who wants to see less on their screen. Atlas Pro, indicator
AU200 / AUD

The AU200/AUD pair represents the exchange rate between the ASX 200 (a stock market index that measures the performance of the top 200 publicly listed companies on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) by market capitalization) and the Australian dollar (AUD). While it is primarily an indicator of Australian economic health, international investors monitor the ASX 200 to assess global economic trends, especially in the Asia-Pacific region.

AU200, AU200_AUD

The AUD/CAD currency pair represents the exchange rate between the Australian dollar (AUD) and the Canadian dollar (CAD). Because both Australia and Canada are major exporters of commodities such as minerals and energy resources, changes in these commodity prices can significantly impact the exchange rate between AUD and CAD. Pairs that usually trade well with AUD/CAD are AUD/USD and NZD/CAD. Pairs that usually trade against AUD/CAD are USD/CAD, EUR/AUD, and GBP/AUD.


The AUD/CHF currency pair represents the exchange rate between the Australian dollar (AUD) and the Swiss franc (CHF). Pairs that usually trade well with AUD/CHF are AUD/JPY, AUD/NZD, and AUD/USD. A currency pair that usually trades against AUD/CHF is USD/CHF.


The AUD/HKD (this currency pair is not currently supported by Oanda brokerage) currency pair represents the exchange rate between the Australian dollar (AUD) and the Hong Kong dollar (HKD). If you are trading AUD/HKD and want to diversify your portfolio, consider trading AUD/JPY, AUD/USD, or HKD/JPY.


The AUD/JPY currency pair represents the exchange rate between the Australian dollar (AUD) and the Japanese yen (JPY). AUD/JPY is known for its volatility. Pairs that usually trade well with AUD/JPY are AUD/USD, AUD/NZD, and AUD/CAD. Pairs that usually trade against AUD/JPY are USD/JPY, EUR/JPY, and GBP/JPY.


The AUD/NZD currency pair represents the exchange rate between the Australian dollar (AUD) and the New Zealand dollar (NZD). Australia and New Zealand share close economic ties due to their geographical proximity. Currency pairs that are usually positively correlated with AUD/NZD include AUD/USD and NZD/USD. Pairs that are usually negatively correlated with AUD/NZD are USD/JPY and EUR/USD.


The AUD/SGD currency pair represents the exchange rate between the Australian dollar (AUD) and the Singapore dollar (SGD). Currency pairs that are usually positively correlated with AUD/SGD include AUD/USD and NZD/USD. Pairs that may trade well against AUD/SGD include USD/SGD and USD/JPY.


The AUD/USD currency pair represents the exchange rate between the Australian dollar (AUD) and the US dollar (USD). A complementary currency pair to consider trading alongside AUD/USD is EUR/USD. A currency pair that usually has an inverse correlation with AUD/USD is USD/JPY.


The Arbitrage Band System is comprised of 9 distinct bands, each reflecting large time frames. In ordertheare the Money Band, Scalp Band, Compass Band, Arbitrage Band, Novice Band, Intermediate Band, Advance Band, and Apocalypse Band. Each band contains a Mean, six standard deviations(3 up, 3 down), Upper and Lower Danger Zones, RSI Line, Compass Line, and a Momentum Line.

Arbitrage Band System

The BCO/USD pair represents the exchange rate between Brent Crude Oil (BCO) and the United States dollar (USD). Brent Crude Oil is the leading benchmark for crude oil trading, used to define the price for two-thirds of global oil purchases. This is due to its favorable properties and its significant role in the international oil markets. Like all commodities, Brent crude prices are subject to volatility influenced by global economic conditions, technological advances in energy extraction, and energy policy shifts.The ongoing global shift towards renewable energy sources has profound implications for the future demand and pricing of Brent crude.

Bear Doji

A red candle in which the daily movement is negative, and the daily movement has a range of 1-3 cents with a long tail both above and below.

Candles, Doji
Bear Engulf

A time in which the previous day consisted of a green candle that was engulfed the following day with a larger red candle. 

Bear Harami

A time in which the previous day consisted of a large green candle and the following day resulted in a small red candle that is contained within the range of the previous days movement. 

Bear Marubozu (High Tail)

A single day in which the low of the day is the closing price represented by a red candle and the body of the candle is larger than the tail.

Bear Marubozu (Low Tail)

A day in which the High of the day is the opening price and the closing price of the candle is near the low of the day. The body of this candle is larger than its lower tail.

Bear Spinning Top

A red candle consisting of a medium sized body with a long high and low tail. 

Bearish An outlook anticipating lower prices in the underlying security. Bullish
Bearish Continuation Strategy




A downtrend shows further strength by gapping down on the open and driving the price lower to close as a red candle. This is followed by a pause as the bulls attempt to force the price up, but are unable to close the gap. Continued trading below the gap shows the strength with the bears. 


The price continues to trade below the gap, and preferably below the green candle's real body.

Candles, Downward Gap Tasuki
Bearish Continuation Strategy II




The bears domination of the bulls is evident within the downtrend by the formation of the first long red candle. The price then pauses, forming 2 or more small candles within the range of the first candle. The bulls are not able to force the price above the high of the original candle, and are then overcome once again by the bears who push the price downwards with a second long red candle closing below the first candle. 


The price trades below the body of the second long red candle. 

Candles, Falling Three
Bearish Engulfing

- BEARISH two candle Reversal Pattern. 

- 1st candle has a smaller GREEN real body. 

- 2nd longer RED candle completely engulfs the 1st candle body. 

Candles, Bearish Reversal Strategy III
Bearish Reversal




The bulls continue the uptrend by gapping the price up at the open and driving it to new highs. The bears come back in force though and drive the price back down. A red Shooting Star is more bearish the a green Shooting Star, due to the bears ability to force the close of the candle below the opening price. 


The Price trades below the body of the Shooting Star candle. 

Candles, Shooting Star
Bearish Reversal Strategy II




The uptrend initially appeared that it would continue strongly as the price gapped up at the open, however the bears fought back strongly driving the price convincingly lower. Although the bulls were able to resist the downward pressure, this is only temporary. A red Hanging Man is more Bearing than a green Hanging Man, due to the bulls inability to force the close of the candle above the opening price. The Hanging Man is not considered as bearish as the Shooting Star due to the fact that the bulls were able to fight back to some degree. 


The price trades below the body of the Hanging Man candle. 

Candles, Hanging Man, Shooting Star
Bearish Reversal Strategy III




This is a very bearish reversal pattern in which the bears inflict a rapid and decisive victory over the bulls. The uptrend continues via a green bodied candle. The opening of the next candle ideally gaps upwards (continued sign of bullishness) however the bears then drive the price down to close the candle below the open of the green bodied candle. The name 'bearish engulfing' is due to the fact the the real body of the red candle completely engulfs the real body of the green candle. 


The price trades below the body of the red candle. 

Candles, Bearish Engulfing
Bearish Reversal Strategy IV




The uptrend continues via a green bodied candle. The opening of the next candle ideally gaps up (continued sign of bullishness) however the bears then drive the price back down showing renewed strength and a potential change of trend. The bears win the battle closing the candle in the lower half of the green candle's body. Note that this is not as bearish as the bearish engulfing pattern, in which the bears were able to drive the price lower to close below the first candle's real body. 


The price trades below the real body of the red candle. 

Candles, Dark Cloud Cover
Bearish Reversal Strategy V




The bulls continue the uptrend by forming a long green bodied candle. The gap opening up to the second candle initially appears bullish, but the small body of the star shows a possible loss of momentum. The bears the re-enter the market in force, ideally gaping down from the star, and driving price to close well within (or below) the first candle. The lower the close, the more decisive the victory of the bears over the bulls. 


The price trades below the body of the long red candle. 

Candles, Evening Star
Bearish Reversal Strategy VI




The upper extreme of the shadows represents area of resistance. Bulls were not willing to buy above this price, so the bears returned in force to drive the price back down. The Tweezer Top forms when two or more candle's upper shadows form at same level, confirming the strength of this resistance, and the likelihood that the uptrend will either pause or reverse to a downtrend. 


The price trades below the level of resistance. Price trading below the body of the Tweezer Top candles is more bearish, and likely to indicate a reversal of trend rather than a change to consolidation. 

Candles, Tweezer Top
Bid or Asked Spread The difference in price between the latest available bid and offering prices for a particular security. Bid Price, Asking or Offering price
Bid Price The highest price any potential buyer is willing to pay for a particular security.
Bitcoin (BTC) Founded by Satoshi Nakamoto, BTC is the first globally successful cryptocurrency. Released in 2009 in the wake of the Global Financial Crisis, Bitcoin introduces a digital currency with a decentralized medium known as Blockchain. Crypto Currency
Blockchain A decentralized ledger of all transactions across a peer-to-peer network. Using this technology, participants can confirm transactions without a need for a central clearing authority. Potential applications can include fund transfers, setting trades, voting and many other issues.  Crypto Currency
Bull Harami

A time in which the previous day consisted of a large red candle and the following day resulted in a small green candle that is contained within the range of the previous days movement.

Bull Marubozu (High Tail)

A single day in which the high of the day is near the closing price represented by a long green candle. The body of the candle is larger than its Upper tail.

Bull Spinning Top

A green candle consisting of a medium sized body with a long high tail and low tail. 

Bullish An outlook anticipating higher prices in the underlying security. Bearish
Bullish Continuation Strategy




An uptrend shows further strength by gaping up on the open and driving price higher to close as a green candle. This is followed by a pause as the bears attempt to force the price down, but are unable to close the gap. Continued trading above the gap shows strength with the bulls. 


The price continues to trade above the gap, and preferably above the red candle's real body. 

Candles, Upward Gap Tasuki
Bullish Continuation Strategy II




The bulls domination of the bears is evident within the uptrend by the formation of the first long green candle. Price then pauses, forming 2 or more small candles within the range of the first candle. The bears are not able to force price below the low of the original candle and are then overcome once again by the bulls who push price upwards with a second long green candle closing above the first candle. 


The price trades above the body of the second long green candle. 

Candles, Rising Three
Bullish Engulfing

- BULLISH two candle Reversal Pattern. 

- 1st candle has a smaller RED real body.

- 2nd longer GREEN candle completely engulfs the first candle body. 

Candles, Bullish Reversal Strategy III
Bullish Reversal Strategy




The bears continue to downtrend by gapping the price down at the open and driving it to new lows. The bulls come back in force though and drive the price back up. A green Hammer is more bullish then a red Hammer, due to the bulls ability to force the close of the candle above the opening price. 


The price trades above the Hammer candle's real body. 

Candles, Hammer
Bullish Reversal Strategy II




The downtrend initially appeared that it would continue strongly as the price gapped down at th open, however the bulls fought back strongly driving the price convincingly higher. Although the bears were able to resist the upward pressure, this is only temporary. A green Inverted Hammer is more bullish than a red Inverted Hammer, due to the bear's inability to force the close of the candle below the opening price. The Inverted Hammer is not considered as bullish as the Hammer, due to the fact that the bears were able to fight back to some degree. 


The price trades above the body of the Inverted Hammer candle. 

Candles, Inverted Hammer
Bullish Reversal Strategy III




This is a very bullish reversal pattern in which the bulls inflict a rapid and decisive victory over the bears. The downtrend continues via a red bodied candle. The opening of the next candle ideally gaps down (continued sign of bearishness) however the bulls then drive the price upwards to close the candle above the open of the red bodied candle. The name 'bullish engulfing' is due to the fact that the real body of the green candle completely engulfs the real body of the red candle. 


The price trades above the body of the green candle. 

Candles, Bullish Engulfing
Bullish Reversal Strategy IV




The downtrend continues via a red bodied candle. The opening of the next candle ideally gaps down (continued sign of bearishness) however the bulls then drive the price back up showing renewed strength and a potential change of trend. The bulls win the battle closing the candle in the upper half of the red candle's body. Note that this is not as bullish as the bullish engulfing pattern, in which the bulls were able to drive the price higher to close above the first candle's real body. 


The price trends above the real body of the green candle.

Candles, Piercing Pattern
Bullish Reversal Strategy V




The bears continue the downtrend by forming a long red bodied candle. The gap opening down to the second candle initially appears bearish, but the small body of the star shows a possible loss of momentum. The bulls then re-enter the market in force, ideally gaping up from the star, and driving price to close well within (or above) the first candle. The higher the close, the more decisive the victory of the bulls over the bears. 


The price trades above the body of the long green candle. 

Candles, Morning Star
Bullish Reversal Strategy VI




The lower extreme of the shadows represents an area of support. Bears were not willing to sell below this price, so the bulls returned in force to drive the price back up. The Tweezer Bottom forms when two or more candle's lower shadows from at the same level, confirming the strength of this support, and the likelihood that the downtrend will either pause or reverse to an uptrend. 


The price trades above the level of support. Price trading above the body of the Tweezer Bottom candles is more bullish, and likely to indicate a reversal of trend rather than a change to consolidation. 

Candles, Tweezer Bottom
Bullish/ Bearish Reversal strategy


A trending market- an uptrend for a bearish reversal or a downtrend for a bullish reversal. 


A Doji indicates a 'tug of war' between the bulls and bears in which neither party was dominant. Price may have been driven up and/or down from the open, but was driven back to close equal to (or almost equal to) the opening price. This indecision in the market often precedes a change in trend to either a sideways or a reverse direction trend. 

The Gravestone Doji is more bearish, and therefore more effective at a market top. The Dragonfly Doji is more bullish, and therefore more effective at a market bottom. 


The price trades above the doji at a market bottom, or below the doji at a market top. 

Bullish/ Bearish Reversal Strategy II


A trending market- an uptrend for a bearish reversal, or a downtrend for a bullish reversal.


Bearish Harami- Often found at market top, the uptrend continues with the bulls driving the price higher to complete a green candle. The second candle shows indecision as the price then stalls. Neither the bulls nor the bears are able to dominate, resulting in a small candle of either color contained within the first body candle. This indecision often precedes a change to sideways congestion or a reversal of the trend. 


The price trades above the pattern for a bottom reversal, or below the pattern for a top reversal. 

Candles, Harami
Bullish/ Bearish Reversal Strategy III


A trending market- an uptrend for a bearish reversal, or a downtrend for a bullish reversal.


Bearish Harami Cross- Often found at a market top, the uptrend continues with the bulls driving price higher to complete a green candle. The second candle shows indecision as the price then stalls to form a dojo. Neither the bulls nor the bears are able to dominate. This indecision often precedes a change to sideways congestion or a reversal of the trend. 

Bullish Harami Cross- Opposite of the above, found a bottom reversal. 


The price trades above the pattern for a bottom reversal, or below the pattern for a top reversal. 

Candles, Harami Cross
Buy / Call Option (Long Call)

Condition 1: Stock is greater than Strike Price

- Re-sell option

- Exercise option

- Let the option expire

Condition 2: Stock is less than Strike Price 

- Option purchase investment will lose value, may be able to re-sell and capture time value premium, but doubtful 

Options, Bullish Trend
Buy Setting Up Apocalypse Band in the LDZ, Arbitrage Band is not in a BUY position yet Apocalypse Band, Arbitrage Band, and Lower Danger Zone (LDZ)
Buy/ Put Option (Long Put)

Condition 1: Stock is greater than Strike Price

- Option Purchase investment will lose value, may be able to re-sell and capture time value premium

Condition 2: Stock is less than Strike Price 

- Re-sell option

- Exercise option 

- Let option expire 

Options, Bearish Trend

The CAD/CHF currency pair represents the exchange rate between the Canadian dollar (CAD) and the Swiss franc (CHF). While not highly correlated, pairs that may complement CAD/CHF include USD/JPY and AUD/USD. Pairs that may trade against CAD/CHF are USD/CAD and EUR/CHF.


The CAD/HKD currency pair represents the exchange rate between the Canadian dollar (CAD) and the Hong Kong dollar (HKD). Currency pairs that usually trade well with CAD/HKD include CAD/JPY and CAD/CHF. Pairs that usually trade against CAD/HKD are USD/HKD and AUD/HKD (this currency pair is currently not supported by Oanda brokerage).


The CAD/JPY currency pair represents the exchange rate between the Canadian dollar (CAD) and the Japanese yen (JPY). Pairs that usually trade well with CAD/JPY include AUD/CAD, NZD/CAD, and USD/CAD. Currency pairs that usually trade against CAD/JPY are USD/JPY and EUR/JPY.


The CAD/SGD currency pair represents the exchange rate between the Canadian dollar (CAD) and the Singapore dollar (SGD). Pairs that usually trade well with CAD/SGD include CAD/USD and SGD/JPY. Pairs that usually trade against CAD/SGD are USD/SGD and USD/CAD.

Candle definition

The graphical representation of the equities movement on a given time frame.


The CHF/HKD currency pair represents the exchange rate between the Swiss franc (CHF) and the Hong Kong dollar (HKD). If you are trading CHF/HKD and want to diversify your portfolio, consider trading EUR/CHF, USD/HKD, AUD/CHF, or NZD/CHF.


The CHF/JPY currency pair represents the exchange rate between the Swiss franc (CHF) and the Japanese yen (JPY). Pairs that usually complement CHF/JPY are EUR/CHF and USD/JPY. Pairs that usually trade against CHF/JPY include GBP/CHF, AUD/JPY, or NZD/JPY.


The CHF/ZAR currency pair represents the exchange rate between the Swiss franc (CHF) and the South African rand (ZAR). Currency pairs that usually trade well with CHF/ZAR are USD/CHF, EUR/CHF, and GBP/ZAR. Pairs that usually trade against CHF/ZAR are USD/ZAR and EUR/ZAR.

Closeout Date The date by which a recommended position is to be closed out if its target exit point is not reached.
Closing Price The price of a stock at the last transaction of the day, before the closing bell.
CN50 / USD

The CN50/USD pair refers to the exchange rate between the China A50 Index (CN50) and the US Dollar (USD). The China A50 Index consists of the top 50 companies by market capitalization listed on the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges. The exchange rate and performance of the CN50 are influenced by various economic indicators and events, such as China's export and import data, GDP growth rate, and trade balance.

Compass Line

This tool is used to display the projected direction an equity will follow in the near term. It is denoted by a navy-blue line on the chart.The line’s navy-blue color is the standard blue color no matter what band you are viewing. The compass line is used to make almost every decision within the Arbitrage Band Trading System including the color of every single candle.

RSI Line, Momentum Line, Candle Color
Control The Control Indicator in the Arbitrage Bands Trading System complements the Sustain Indicator by allowing you to know if the RSI line in each band is moving faster or slower than the band itself; it lets you know which line is in control of the trend. Control, indicator
Currency Fork A fork refers to an upgrade to a blockchain network. Forks have become an important and recurring phenomenon because networks are constantly evolving and adding new technological features like privacy and scaling solutions. Crypto Currency, Hard Fork, Soft Fork
Currency Pair A currency pair is the quotation of two different currencies, with the value of one currency being quoted against the other. When reading a Forex quote, the first currency is called the base and the second is called the quote (or counter currency). The major currency pairs on the Forex market are EUR/USD, USD/JPY, GBP/USD, and AUD/USD. The commodity currency pairs include USD/CAD, AUD/CHF, and NZD/USD. Together these seven currency pairs are the most actively traded pairs in the world. The EUR/USD currency pair is considered the most liquid currency pair in the world. The USD/JPY pair is the second most popular currency pair in the world. If NZD/USD has a quote of 0.62538, that means that it takes 0.62538 US dollar (62.538 cents) to make one New Zealand Dollar.
Danger Zones

There are 2 Danger Zones for each band: Upper and Lower Danger Zones. When the RSI Line is in an Upper Danger Zone the Up Trend is in danger. When the RSI Line is in the Lower Danger Zone the Down Trend is in danger. May be abbreviated as UDZ (Upper Danger Zone), or LDZ (Lower Danger Zone).

Compass, Momentum, Band, RSI
Dark Cloud Cover

A time in which the previous day consisted of a green candle and the following day resulted in the stock price increasing and then falling below the previous days closing price. 

Dark Cloud Cover

- BEARISH two candle Reversal Pattern.

- 1st candle has a GREEN real body. 

- 2nd RED candle opens above, and closes in the lower half of the 1st candle body. 

Candles, Bearish Reversal Strategy IV
Dash The Dash Indicator in the Arbitrage Bands Trading System allows you to look at 7 of the bands simultaneously as a dashboard and leverages the information found in Atlas, Z, and the Arbitrage Band indicator to graphically alert you of changes happening within trends. Dash, indicator
Dash Pro The Dash Pro Indicator takes Dash to the next level by including the odds of each band on a single timeframe as well allowing the lower time frames to “vote” on the nearest top and bottom of the trend. Dash Pro, indicator
Day Order A limit order entered through a broker that, if not executed on the day that it is entered, is automatically canceled at the close of business on that day. 
DE30 / EUR

The DE30/EUR pair refers to the exchange rate between the Germany 30, or Dax 30, (DE30) and the Euro (EUR). The Dax 30 is a significant stock market index that represents 30 major companies listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. It is an important gauge of German and broader European economic health and is frequently traded by investors looking to gain exposure to the German equity market.

Deflection Point

A Deflection Point is created when the RSI Line of the band has reached either the bottom of the Lower Danger Zone (LDZ), or the top of the Upper Danger Zone (UDZ), and has run out of room. Since the RSI Line may never leave the band, it “deflects” signaling either an upturn or downturn in the trend is imminent.

Band, RSI
Discount Broker A broker whose commission rates are lower than the norm. Usually provides little in additional services such as investment research and/or advice.
Diversification An investing or trading strategy in which positions are maintained in a variety of underlying stocks for the purpose of reducing risk and increasing bottom line profits.
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    Bullish/ Bearish Reversal
    Downward Gap Tasuki

    - BEARISH 2 Candle Continuation Pattern 

    - Downtrend gaps down to a RED candle. 

    - Followed by a GREEN candle opening inside and closing above the red candle's real body. 

    Candles, Bearish Continuation
    ETH / USD

    The ETH/USD pair refers to the exchange rate between the cryptocurrency Ethereum (ETH) and the United States dollar (USD). Ethereum is one of the most prominent cryptocurrencies in the world, second only to Bitcoin in market capitalization. Unlike Bitcoin, which was designed primarily as a digital currency, Ethereum was created as a platform to facilitate immutable, programmatic contracts, and applications via its own currency. Ethereum is also widely used for non-fungible tokens (NFTs), which are digital assets that represent ownership of a unique item or piece of content.

    Ethereum (ETH) Founded by Vitalik Buterin, ETH released in 2015, is best known for its smart contracts. Ethereum was created to compete against web-based companies that house data. Smart contracts provide protection against hacking, data manipulation, and theft. Crypto Currency
    EU50 / EUR

    The EU50/EUR pair represents the exchange rate between the Euro Stoxx 50 (EU50) and the Euro (EUR). The Euro Stoxx 50 is a significant stock market index representing 50 of the largest and most liquid blue-chip companies in the Eurozone. It includes a broad range of sectors and is a vital benchmark for European equity performance. This index is particularly popular for derivatives and financial products like ETFs, options, and futures due to its wide recognition and liquidity.

    EU50EUR, EU50_EUR

    The EUR/AUD currency pair represents the exchange rate between the euro (EUR) and the Australian dollar (AUD). Forex pairs that usually trade well with EUR/AUD include EUR/USD, AUD/USD, and EUR/NZD. Pairs that usually have an inverse relationship with EUR/AUD include AUD/USD, USD/JPY, and GBP/AUD.


    The EUR/CAD currency pair represents the exchange rate between the euro (EUR) and Canadian dollar (CAD). If you are trading EUR/CAD and want to diversify your portfolio, consider trading EUR/USD, USD/CAD, EUR/JPY, AUD/CAD, or GBP/CHF.


    The EUR/CHF currency pair represents the exchange rate between the euro (EUR) and the Swiss franc (CHF). If you are trading EUR/CHF and want to diversify your portfolio, consider trading EUR/GBP, USD/CHF, EUR/JPY, or AUD/CHF.


    The EUR/CZK currency pair represents the exchange rate between the euro (EUR) and the Czech koruna (CZK). Pairs that usually trade well with EUR/CZK include EUR/USD and EUR/GBP. Pairs that usually trade against EUR/CZK are USD/CZK and GBP/CZK (this currency pair is not currently supported by Oanda brokerage).


    The EUR/DKK currency pair represents the exchange rate between the euro (EUR) and the Danish krone (DKK). To complement your trading of EUR/DKK, consider trading EUR/GBP or USD/JPY.


    The EUR/GBP currency pair represents the exchange rate between the euro (EUR) and the British pound sterling (GBP). The Brexit process, which concluded with the UK formally leaving the European Union in 2020, has had a significant impact on the EUR/GBP exchange rate. EUR/GBP is known for its volatility. If you are trading EUR/GBP and want to diversify your portfolio, consider trading EUR/USD, GBP/USD, EUR/JPY, AUD/USD, NZD/USD, or USD/CHF.


    The EUR/HKD currency pair represents the exchange rate between the euro (EUR) and the Hong Kong dollar (HKD). Currency pairs that usually trade well with EUR/HKD are EUR/USD, EUR/GBP, and EUR/AUD. Pairs that usually trade against EUR/HKD are USD/HKD, GBP/HKD, and AUD/HKD (this currency pair is not currently supported by Oanda brokerage).


    The EUR/HUF currency pair represents the exchange rate between the euro (EUR) and the Hungarian forint (HUF). If you are trading EUR/HKD and want to diversify your portfolio, consider trading either EUR/USD or EUR/GBP.


    The EUR/JPY currency pair represents the exchange rate between the euro (EUR) and the Japanese yen (JPY). If you wish to diversify your portfolio along with EUR/JPY, consider trading EUR/USD, USD/JPY, GBP/JPY, EUR/GBP, AUD/JPY, or USD/CAD.


    The EUR/NOK currency pair represents the exchange rate between the euro (EUR) and the Norwegian kroner (NOK). Pairs that usually trade well with EUR/NOK include EUR/SEK and USD/SEK. Pairs that usually trade against EUR/NOK are USD/NOK, EUR/USD, and GBP/NOK (this currency pair is not currently supported by Oanda brokerage).


    The EUR/NZD currency pair represents the exchange rate between the euro (EUR) and the New Zealand dollar (NZD). Pairs that usually trade well with EUR/NZD are EUR/USD and NZD/USD. Pairs that usually trade against EUR/NZD are USD/JPY and GBP/USD.


    The EUR/PLN currency pair represents the exchange rate between the euro (EUR) and the Polish zloty (PLN). Currency pairs that usually trade well with EUR/PLN include EUR/USD, EUR/GBP, and EUR/JPY. Pairs that usually trade against EUR/PLN are USD/PLN, GBP/PLN, and JPY/PLN (this currency pair is not currently supported by Oanda brokerage).


    The EUR/SEK currency pair represents the exchange rate between the euro (EUR) and the Swedish krona (SEK). Pairs that are typically positively correlated with EUR/SEK include EUR/NOK, EUR/DKK, and EUR/GBP. Pairs that are usually negatively correlated with EUR/SEK include USD/SEK, EUR/USD, and EUR/CHF.


    The EUR/SGD currency pair represents the exchange rate between the euro (EUR) and the Singapore dollar (SGD). If you are trading EUR/SGD and want to diversify your portfolio, consider trading EUR/USD, USD/SGD, or AUD/SGD.


    The EUR/TRY currency pair represents the exchange rate between the euro (EUR) and the Turkish lira (TRY). Pairs that usually trade well with EUR/TRY include EUR/USD and EUR/GBP. Pairs that typically trade against EUR/TRY are USD/TRY and GBP/TRY (this currency pair is not currently supported by Oanda brokerage).


    The EUR/USD currency pair represents the exchange rate between the euro (EUR) and the United States dollar (USD). EUR/USD is one of the most widely traded currency pairs in the Forex market and is known for its liquidity and stability. If you are trading EUR/USD and want to diversify your portfolio, consider trading USD/JPY, AUD/USD, or USD/CHF.


    The EUR/ZAR currency pair represents the exchange rate between the euro (EUR) and the South African rand (ZAR). Pairs that may trade well with EUR/ZAR include EUR/USD and EUR/GBP. Pairs that are usually negatively correlated with EUR/ZAR include USD/ZAR and GBP/ZAR.

    Evening Star

    - BEARISH three candle Reversal Pattern. 

    - 1st candle has a long GREEN real body. 

    - Market gaps up to 2nd small body candle (either color) 

    - 3rd candle has a RED real body, ideally gaping down from the star (2nd candle). 

    Candles, Bearish Reversal Strategy V
    Execution The actual completion of a buy or sell order on the exchange floor. buy or sell order
    Falling Three

    - BEARISH Continuation Pattern

    Long RED candle

    - Followed by 2 or more short candles (ideally GREEN), which are contained within the body of the first red candle. 

    - Followed by another long RED candle closing below the 1st candle. 

    Candles, Bearish Continuation Strategy II
    FR40 / EUR The FR40/EUR pair represents the exchange rate between the France 40 Index (FR40) and the Euro (EUR). The France 40 Index is a major stock market index which tracks the performance of the top 40 stocks listed on the Euronext Paris. For those interested in investing, the France 40 cannot be invested in directly; however, investors can engage through futures, funds, or the stocks comprising the index itself​. FR40EUR, FR40_EUR
    Full-Service Broker A broker that provides investment research, information, and advice, as well as the services involved in purchasing and selling securities. Usually charges full commission rates with no discounts. 

    The GBP/AUD currency pair represents the exchange rate between the British pound sterling (GBP) and the Australian dollar (AUD). If you are trading GBP/AUD and want to diversify your portfolio, consider trading USD/JPY, EUR/USD, or USD/CHF.

    GBP/CAD The GBP/CAD currency pair represents the exchange rate between the British pound sterling (GBP) and the Canadian dollar (CAD). If you are trading GBP/CAD and want to diversify your portfolio, consider trading USD/JPY or EUR/AUD. GBPCAD, GBP_CAD

    The GBP/CHF currency pair represents the exchange rate between the British pound sterling (GBP) and the Swiss franc (CHF). If you are trading GBP/CHF and want to diversify your portfolio, consider trading EUR/GBP, USD/CHF, AUD/JPY, or CAD/SGD.


    The GBP/HKD currency represents the exchange rate between the British pound sterling (GBP) and the Hong Kong dollar (HKD). Currency pairs that usually trade well with GBP/HKD are GBP/USD and GBP/JPY. Pairs that typically trade against GBP/HKD include USD/HKD and USD/JPY.


    The GBP/JPY currency represents the exchange rate between the British pound sterling (GBP) and the Japanese yen (JPY). Currency pairs that usually trade well with GBP/HKD are EUR/GBP and AUD/JPY. Pairs that typically trade against GBP/JPY include USD/CHF and USD/JPY.


    The GBP/NZD currency represents the exchange rate between the British pound sterling (GBP) and the New Zealand dollar (NZD). If you are trading GBP/NZD and want to diversify your portfolio, consider trading EUR/USD, GBP/JPY, or NZD/USD.


    The GBP/PLN currency pair represents the exchange rate between the British pound sterling (GBP) and the Polish zloty (PLN). If you are trading GBP/PLN and want to diversify your portfolio, consider trading EUR/GBP, USD/PLN, GBP/USD, or EUR/PLN.


    The GBP/SGD currency pair represents the exchange rate between the British pound sterling (GBP) and the Singapore dollar (SGD). Currency Pairs that typically trade well with GBP/SGD are GBP/JPY and EUR/SGD. Pairs that usually trade against GBP/SGD are USD/SGD and GBP/AUD.

    GBP/USD The GBP/USD currency pair represents the exchange rate between the British pound sterling (GBP) and the United States dollar (USD). GBP/USD is one of the most widely traded currency pairs in the Forex market. Currency pairs that usually trade well with GBP/USD are EUR/GBP and GBP/AUD. Pairs that typically trade against GBP/USD are USD/JPY, USD/CHF, and EUR/USD. GBPUSD, GBP_USD

    The GBP/ZAR currency pair represents the exchange rate between the British pound sterling (GBP) and the South African rand (ZAR). Currency pairs that usually trade well with GBP/ZAR are GBP/USD and EUR/ZAR. Pairs that usually trade against GBP/ZAR are USD/ZAR and EUR/GBP

    Golden Cross Up/Down Shows all equities where the 50 Day moving average has intersected the 200 Day moving average. Silver Cross
    Good-Til-Cancelled (GTC) Order A limit order entered through a broker that remains on the books of the exchange trading floor until executed or until canceled by the originator of the order (abbreviated GTC). Limit Order

    - BULLISH single candle Reversal Pattern. 

    - Market ideally gaps down to Hammer candle.

    - Color can be RED or GREEN

    - Lower Shadow is at least two times the size of the real body. 

    Candles, Bullish Reversal Strategy
    Hanging Man

    - BEARISH single candle Reversal Pattern

    - Market gaps up to Hanging Man candle

    - Color can be RED or GREEN 

    - Lower Shadow is at least 2 times the size of the real body 

    Candles, Bearish Reversal Strategy II

    - BULLISH or BEARISH two candle Reversal

    - 1st candle continues the trend direction

    - 2nd candle real body is contained within the 1st candle real body. This candle may be either GREEN or RED.

    Bullish/ Bearish Reversal Strategy II
    Harami Cross

    - BULLISH or BEARISH two candle Reversal Pattern.

    1st candle continues the trend direction 

    - 2nd candle is a Doji, and is contained within the 1st candle real body. 

    Candles, Bullish/ Bearish Reversal Strategy III
    Higher Highs

    A Higher High is denoted by HH and is found within the Atlas indicator. Seeing a HH means the buy trend has a high probability of reversing. So taking profit here is not a bad idea.

    Higher Lows

    A Higher low is denoted by HL and is found within the Atlas indicator. Seeing a HL means the sell trend has a high probability of reversing. Taking profit here is not a bad idea. This new low is higher than the previous low and indicates the down trend is weakening.

    HK33 / HKD

    The HK33/HKD pair represents the exchange rate between the Hong Kong 33 Index (HK33) and the Hong Kong dollar (HKD). The Hong Kong 33 Index is an index product that is based on the Hang Seng future - Hong Kong's benchmark stock market index. The Hang Seng Index has four sub-indices: Hang Seng Finance Sub-index, Hang Seng Utilities Sub-index, Hang Seng Properties Sub-index, and Hang Seng Commerce & Industry Sub-index. The Hang Seng Index continues to play a critical role in Asian financial markets, providing insights into the health of the corporate and economic landscape in one of the world's most dynamic financial hubs.

    HK33HKD, HK33_HKD
    HKD/JPY The HKD/JPY currency pair represents the exchange rate between the Hong Kong dollar (HKD) and the Japanese yen (JPY). If you are trading HKD/JPY and want to diversify your portfolio, consider trading EUR/USD or AUD/USD. HKDJPY, HKD_JPY
    Initial Coin Offering (ICO) An Initial Coin Offering (ICO) is the cryptocurrency industry's equivalent to an Initial Public Offering (IPO). ICOs act as a way to raise funds, where a company looking to raise money to create a new coin, app, or service launches an ICO. Crypto Currency, Initial Public Offering (IPO)
    Intermediate Plan Indicators The Intermediate Plan contains all the indicators provided in the Novice Plan ( Arbitrage Bands, Atlas, Level Pro, and Arbitrage Z) but also includes Z pro, TSB , Sustain and Control.  
    Inverted Hammer

    - Bullish Single candle Reversal Pattern.

    - Market ideally gaps down to Inverted Hammer candle. 

    - Color can be RED or GREEN 

    - Upper Shadow is at least 2 times the size of the real body. 

    Candles, Bullish Reversal Strategy II
    JP225 / USD

    The JP225/USD pair represents the exchange rate between the Nikkei 225 Index (JP225) and the United States dollar (USD). The Nikkei 225 Index is a stock market index composed of the 225 top-rated companies listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE). It is a price-weighted index, similar to the Dow Jones Industrial Average in the United States. It covers a broad range of industries and is considered a primary indicator of the overall market performance in Japan. It includes major companies from Japan, including Toyota, Sony, and SoftBank. Traders should watch Japanese economic data like GDP growth, unemployment rate, and industrial production, as these can directly influence both the Nikkei 225 and JPY currency pairs.

    JP225USD, JP225_USD
    Last Sell Price The price of a stock at the latest transaction consummated. 
    Level The Arbitrage Level Indicator in the Arbitrage Bands Trading System works like a carpentry level. If the red line crosses over the dotted green line, a new buy trend should be beginning. If it crosses under, a new sell trend should be beginning. Level, indicator
    Level Pro The Level Pro Indicator takes the Level Indicator to the next level by allowing the Arbitrage Bands Trading System to span multiple timeframes and display multiple level readings per band per timeframe at the same time. Level Pro, indicator
    Level Pro 2.0 Level Pro shows where the band is pointing at that particular time. If Level is above the green line, the band is pointing up. If the level is below the green line, the band is pointing down.  Arbitrage Band

    The textbook definition of “leverage” is having the ability to control a large amount of money using very little of your own money and borrowing the rest. For example, to control a $100,000 position, your broker will set aside $1,000 from your account. Your leverage, which is expressed in ratios, is now 100:1. You’re now controlling $100,000 with $1,000.

    Limit Order A limit order is used to try to take advantage of a certain target price and can be used for both buy and sell orders. A limit order instructs the broker to trade a certain number of shares at a specific price or better. For buy orders, this means buy at the limit price or lower. For sell limit orders, it means sell at the limit price or higher. Limit orders guarantee a trade at a particular price. Limit Orders are generally more risky and require more prior planning, but do not need as much time watching the charts. Forex
    Limited Risk An investment where the possible loss cannot exceed a pre-determined amount. For option purchases, this amount is the initial cash outlay.
    Line in the Sand

    This setting makes sure that you are always trading with the longer-term trend. Best practice for this setting is to always put it on a timeframe higher than your Investor Settings. This setting will enable or disable the pair direction (buys or sells) based on the timeframe that you choose. Changing this setting will impact your sensitivity to the drawdown allowed in your account. Higher timeframes allow for more drawdown while lower timeframes allow for less drawdown. This setting will never settle a position for a loss.

    ATA setting, risk management
    Liquidity The ease in which a purchase or sell can be made without disrupting existing market prices.
    Loop The Arbitrage Loop Indicator in the Arbitrage Bands Trading System is based on the Ichimoku Cloud. In our Arbitrage Bands Trading System, this is usually the first indicator to detect a new trend by figuring out the Law of One Price. Loop, indicator
    Lot Size In the past, Forex was only traded in specific amounts called lots, or basically the number of currency units you will buy or sell. The standard size for a lot is 100,000 units of currency, and now, there are also mini, micro, and nano lot sizes that are 10,000, 1,000, and 100 units. Forex
    Lower Highs

    A Lower High is denoted by LH and is found within the Atlas indicator. Seeing a LH means the trend buy has a high probability of reversing. So taking profit here is not a bad idea. This new high is lower than the previous High. 


    Lower Lows

    A Lower low is denoted by LL and is found within the Atlas indicator. Seeing a LL means the sell trend has a high probability of reversing. Locking some profits is recommended.


    Margin trading in the forex market is the process of making a good faith deposit with a broker in order to open and maintain positions in one or more currencies. Margin is not a cost or a fee. Buying on margin is the act of borrowing money to buy securities.

    Forex, margin
    Margin Call A margin call occurs when the percentage of an investor’s equity in a margin account falls below the broker’s required amount. The broker's required amount will vary depending on the broker. A broker may force a trader to sell assets (regardless of the market price) to meet the margin call if the trader does not deposit funds. Margin calls can occur at any time due to a drop in account value; however, they are more likely to happen during periods of market volatility. Forex, margin
    Margin Locked When your percent of margin used reaches 25% or higher, your account is considered "margin locked." Arbitrage Trade Assist will still look for profit opportunities on all open trades, but will not enter any new positions until your margin used is below 25% again. Arbitrage uses a conservative formula to calculate percent of margin used as one of our risk management strategies for your account. forex, Trade Assist, margin
    Market Bias A tally of all trending stocks in both the up and down and neutral direction. 
    Market Forecast A tally of all stocks in relation to the direction they have been trending over the past 20, 75, and 200 days.
    Market Order (At-the market order) An order to purchase or sell at the best available price. At-the-market orders must be executed immediately and therefore take precedence over all other orders.
    Market Sentiment

    A tally of all stocks based the probability on what they did at this dollar amount in the past.

    Max Loss Goals

    Under Take Profit Goals on the Risk Management page, we now have a Max Loss Goals section. This setting allows the user to set the maximum amount of money you are willing to lose on any trade. You can choose a custom dollar amount or let ATA auto calculate the amount (determined by your PRAY and Scaling settings), and additionally you can choose a pip value. Enforcing Max Loss will enable this feature.

    Warning: Max Loss, by default, is set to about 1% of your account balance. If your Enforce Max Loss is turned on and your scaling is not properly adjusted, it is extremely easy to hit your max loss value. Scaling and PRAY should be set low.

    ATA setting, risk management
    Mean Reversion When you enable the Aggressive Entries setting, you have the option to enable Mean Reversion.  This is a special aggressive entry that enters into a trade in the opposite direction when probability is depleted. ATA setting, risk management
    Micro Pip A fraction of a pip lot size. The fixed pip amounts are: USD $10 for a standard lot, which is 100,000 units of currency. USD $1 for a mini lot, which is 10,000 units of currency. USD $0.10 for a micro lot, which is 1,000 units of currency. So, a micro pip is measuring the amount of money you are controlling at .10 of 1 USD versus the other currency. Forex
    Momentum Line

    This line is used to gauge how fast an equity is moving in contrast to Compass Line. It is denoted by a red line on the chart. The red line always follows the compass line. If the momentum line is on topthe trend is negative.The line’s red color is the standard  color no matter what band you are viewing. 

    Compass, RSI, Band
    Morning Star

    - BULLISH three candle Reversal Pattern

    - 1st candle has a long RED real body. 

    - Market gaps down to 2nd small body candle (either color) 

    - 3rd candle has a GREEN real body, ideally gapping up from the star (2nd candle). 

    Bullish Reversal Strategy V
    NAS100 / USD

    The NAS100/USD pair represents the exchange rate between the Nasdaq Composite Index (NAS100) and the United States dollar (USD). The Nasdaq Composite Index (NAS100) is a significant stock market index that represents a broad spectrum of more than 3,000 stocks listed on the Nasdaq stock exchange,known for its high concentration of technology companies, making it a barometer for the sector. It includes top tech giants like Apple, Amazon, Google's parent company Alphabet, and Facebook's parent company Meta. Besides technology, the index includes companies from various sectors like biotechnology, industrial, finance, and others. Given its tech-heavy composition, the NAS100 can be more volatile compared to more diversified indexes like the S&P 500. Although it is a U.S. index, the Nasdaq features companies from around the world, giving it a global flavor. Given its composition, the performance of the Nasdaq is often seen as a direct indicator of the health and sentiment in the technology sector.


    No Trend detected within the Arbitrage or the Apocalypse Band.

    Arbitrage Band, Apocalypse Band, Trend
    NL25 / EUR

    The NL25/EUR pair represents the exchange rate between the Netherlands 25 Index (NL25) and the Euro (EUR). The Netherlands 25 Index, also called the AEX index, is a major stock market index which represents the performance of the 25 most traded and capitalized stocks on the Euronext Amsterdam, a part of the Euronext stock exchange group. Some prominent companies included in this index are Unilever, Philips, Royal Dutch Shell, and Heineken. The index is capitalization-weighted, and its components are reviewed four times a year, with both annual and quarterly reviews.

    NL25EUR, NL25_EUR

    The NZD/CAD currency pair represents the exchange rate between the New Zealand dollar and the Canadian dollar (CAD). Currency pairs that usually trade well with NZD/CAD are NZD/JPY and CAD/CHF. Pairs that typically trade against NZD/CAD include USD/JPY and EUR/AUD.


    The NZD/CHF currency pair represents the exchange rate between the New Zealand dollar (NZD) and the Swiss franc (CHF). If you are trading NZD/CHF and want to diversify your portfolio, consider trading EUR/JPY or USD/CHF.


    The NZD/HKD currency pair represents the exchange rate between the New Zealand dollar (NZD) and the Hong Kong dollar (HKD). If you are trading NZD/HKD and want to diversify your portfolio, consider trading NZD/AUD (this currency pair is not currently supported by Oanda brokerage), USD/HKD, NZD/JPY, or AUD/HKD (this currency pair is not currently supported by Oanda brokerage).


    The NZD/JPY currency pair represents the exchange rate between the New Zealand dollar (NZD) and the Japanese yen (JPY). NZD/JPY is known for its volatility. If you are trading NZD/JPY and want to diversify your portfolio, consider trading NZD/USD, AUD/JPY, EUR/JPY, USD/JPY, or GBP/NZD.

    NZD/SGD The NZD/SGD currency pair represents the exchange rate between the New Zealand dollar (NZD) and the Singapore dollar (SGD). A currency pair that usually trades well with NZD/SGD is AUD/JPY. A currency pair that typically trades against NZD/SGD is USD/CHF. NZDSGD, NZD_SGD
    NZD/USD The NZD/USD currency pair represents the exchange rate between the New Zealand dollar (NZD) and the United States dollar (USD). Currency pairs that are typically positively correlated with NZD/USD are AUD/USD and NZD/JPY. Pairs that usually trade against NZD/USD include USD/JPY and EUR/USD. NZDUSD, NZD_USD
    Offering Price The lowest potential seller is willing to accept for a particular security. Asked or Asking Price
    Omega The Omega Indicator in the Arbitrage Bands Trading System is a measure of velocity within the market. High volatility usually indicates a downward trend, while low volatility usually indicates an upward trend. This indicator is used to point out maximum and minimum points of volatility, and those points are called omegas in the Arbitrage Bands Trading System. Omega, indicator
    Opening Price The price of a stock or option at the first transaction of the day.
    Pair Correlation Correlation is a statistical measure of the relationship between two trading assets. Currency correlation shows the extent to which two currency pairs have moved in the same, opposite, or completely random directions within a particular period. relationship, Forex
    Pause New Trades Do you need to pause Arbitrage Trade Assist from opening new trades on your account? If you are looking at events that are happening in the news or elsewhere, you can easily suspend new trades for a set amount of time. You can choose to pause trades for up to 24 hours at a time.  You can also cancel Pause New Trades early.  This will not affect take profit efforts by Arbitrage Trade Assist. ATA setting
    Piercing Pattern

    - BULLISH two candle Reversal Pattern. 

    - 1st candle has a RED real body. 

    - 2nd GREEN candle opens below, and closes in the upper half of the 1st candle body. 

    Candles, Bullish Reversal Strategy IV
    Pinching Pinching is when the band (and outer probabilities) start to compress or close in. This means the probability was big and candles have started to slow down. This means the probability of big price changes in the near future (but still possible). Bands

    Pip stands for "price in percentage" and is the unit of measurement to express the smallest change in value between two currencies.

    Point Spread

    the difference between the sell price and the buy price for a given Forex pair. This number is how many pips you are paying to enter the trade.

    Forex, margin, pips
    Point Spread Tolerance

    You can set a point spread tolerance to prevent overpaying to get into a trade. If an alert fires and the point spread is higher than your tolerance setting, ATA will ignore the alert and not enter you into that position. The default setting is 5 pips, but you can adjust this value.

    ATA setting, risk management
    Portfolio Risk Allocation Yield (PRAY)

    Arbitrage Trade Assist uses the Portfolio Risk Allocation Yield (PRAY) setting to employ best practices for risk management. Your total risk size will be calculated as a percentage of your account balance. The default setting on the Basic Assist Plan is to have 1.5% margin positions, which means up to sixteen active positions at any given time.

    ATA setting, risk management
    Position A position is established when an investor makes an opening purchase or sale of an security.
    Ready To Buy

    Both the Apocalypse Band and the Arbitrage Band are in the LDZ, and the BUY signal has been confirmed within the Arbitrage Band.

    Apocalypse Band, Arbitrage Band, and Lower Danger Zone (LDZ)
    Ready to Sell Both the Apocalypse Band and the Arbitrage Band are in the UDZ, and the SELL signal has been confirmed within the Arbitrage Band. Apocalypse Band, Arbitrage Band, and Upper Danger Zone (UDZ)
    Relative Bottoms (Show Top Bot)

    A relative bottom is denoted by a black dot and is found within the Atlas indicator. Seeing a black dot indicates that this is the nearest lowest low within X number of Candles. The number of candles required to trigger this alert changes when the band setting is changed within the Atlas indicator. This is also enabled by the 'Show Top Bot' component. 

    Relative Tops (Show Top Bot)

    A relative top is denoted by a yellow dot and is found within the Atlas indicator. Seeing a Yellow dot indicates that this is the nearest highest high within X number of Candles. The number of candles required to trigger this alert changes when the band setting is changed within the Atlas indicator. This can be enabled by choosing 'Show Top Bot'. 

    Ripple (XRP) Founded by Chris Larsen, XRP released in 2012, is a blockchain driven token that facilitates cross-border transactions at significantly lower costs and at far greater speeds. Transactions are settled in a matter of seconds—significantly faster than the hours or days required by other cryptocurrencies or bank transactions. Crypto Currency
    Rising Three

    - BULLISH Continuation Pattern 

    -Long GREEN Candle 

    - Followed by 2 or more short candles (ideally RED), which are contained within the body of the first green candle. 

    - Followed by another long GREEN candle closing above the 1st candle. 

    Candles, Bullish Continuation Strategy II
    Risk Limit

    Arbitrage Trade Assist uses the Risk Limit to determine how much money to risk in the market in total. By default, the system will use our standard 25% threshold, however, if you determine that you want to risk more or less, this is the setting to change.  Caution: Setting a Risk Limit greater than 25% could potentially pull you into a margin call. Watch your account and risk closely!

    ATA setting, risk management
    RSI Line

    The black line within the Arbitrage Band is the RSI Line. The most important concept to remember is this: regardless of the band in use, the RSI Line may never leave the band. It may travel to the top of the band and the bottom, but it will never leave the confines of the band. The RSI Line color will vary depending on the band you are viewing: Arbitrage Band=Black, Novice Band=Orange, Intermediate Band=Blue, Advance Band=Purple, Apocalypse Band=Fuchsia.

    Satoshi The Santoshi is the smallest unit of the bitcoin cryptocurrency. It is named after Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of the protocol used in blockchains and the bitcoin cryptocurrency. The Santoshi to bitcoin ratio is 100 million Santoshis to one Bitcoin. Crypto Currency

    This trade strategy buys or sells in small increments instead of one big order or position. The advantages of this feature is to allows the trader to open a smaller position and increase the position size as the trade progresses in their favor. Using this feature will further reduce the risk on any new positions once the feature is enabled. The default scaling value is 50%. Remember that scaling will give smaller positions which means less drawdown but also smaller profits. This setting does not affect previous open positions. Note: If you have scaling of 33% or less, you should probably use Enforce Take Profit (with Take Profit Goals below) because of the broker fees to enter and exit trades.

    ATA setting, risk management
    Self Governor You can limit the amount of money Pips is allowed to trade on your behalf. This will leave more cash available for you to withdraw at any time. It will also make your position size smaller for all future positions. If you enable this setting, you will choose the the dollar amount to self govern by using the drop-down menu. For example: If you have a $100,000 account balance and want to withdraw $5,000 each month, set the Self-Governor to $95,000. This way, your monthly withdrawal will not negatively impact your percent margin used and will not increase your risk of being margin called. Withdrawal of funds while upside-down in positions increases the percent of margin used (which could over allocate margin and result in a margin call). ATA setting, risk management
    Sell/ Call option (Short Call)

    Condition 1: Stock greater than Strike Price

    Obliged to sell stock if assigned

    Condition 2: Stock is less than Strike Price

    - Let option expire and capture entire premium as profit, combine with stock purchase

    Options, Bearish Trend
    Sell/ Put Option (Short Put)

    Condition 1: Stock is greater than Strike Price

    - Let option expire and capture entire premium as profit

    Condition 2: Stock is less than Strike Price 

    - Obliged to buy stock if assigned

    Options, Bullish Trend
    SG30 / SGD The SG30/SGD pair represents the exchange rate between the Singapore 30 Index (SG30) and the Singapore dollar (SGD). The Singapore 30 Index is a stock market index that tracks the performance of the largest companies in Singapore. It is market capitalization-weighted and includes a variety of sectors, reflecting the country's economic landscape. Because it encompasses a diverse range of sectors, it reflects the broad economic landscape of this dynamic Asian market. SG30SGD, SG30_SGD

    The SGD/CHF currency pair represents the exchange rate between the Singapore dollar (SGD) and the Swiss franc (CHF). Pairs that may have a positive correlation with SGD/CHF include EUR/CHF, AUD/CHF or NZD/CHF. Pairs that typically have a negative correlation with SGD/CHF include USD/CHF and JPY/CHF (this currency pair is not currently supported by Oanda brokerage).


    The SGD/JPY currency pair represents the exchange rate between the Singapore dollar (SGD) and the Japanese Yen (JPY). If you are trading SGD/JPY and want to diversify your portfolio, consider trading USD/CHF, AUD/USD, EUR/GBP, or NZD/CAD.

    Shooting Star
    • - BEARISH single candle Reversal Pattern
    • - Market gaps up to Shooting Star candle
    • - Color can be RED or GREEN 
    • - Upper Shadow is at least 2 times the size of the real body. 

    Candles, Bearish Reversal Strategy
    Silver Cross Up/ Down

    Shows all equities where the 50 Day moving average has intersected the 100 Day moving average.

    Golden Cross

    If the Arbitrage Trade Assist algorithms detect that it is no longer probable for a trade to be profitable, ATA will close the position for the loss so that you are not stuck in a position for a long time. This decreased probability happens when your entry price falls outside of the trend top or trend bottom. In addition to closing the position for a loss, Snare will also automatically enter you into a position in the opposite direction. This new position will open without a new alert. If you enable this feature, you must also enable the pair(s) for which you want Snare to be active on. 

    If you enable this setting, your TRAP top will be set to 2 and your TRAP bottom will be set to -2. By default, Snare is disabled on existing accounts. 

    Warning! Be careful if you have open positions! If you turn on Snare with some negative positions, ATA could close some of those open positions for a loss. To prevent this, check WallStreet and know where your open positions are. On the Pair Manager page, you can choose which Forex pairs you wish to enable Snare.

    ATA setting, pair manager
    SPX500 / USD The SPX500/USD pair represents the exchange rate between the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index (SPX500) and the United States dollar (USD). The Standard & Poor’s 500 (S&P 500) is a stock market index that measures the stock performance of 500 large companies listed on the NYSE or NASDAQ in the United States. The index is market capitalization-weighted, meaning that companies with higher market caps have a greater impact on the index's movements. It covers various sectors, including technology, healthcare, financials, consumer discretionary, and others, providing a comprehensive snapshot of the overall market performance. Some popular companies that trade on the S&P 500 include Apple (AAPL), Tesla (TSLA), Meta (META), and UnitedHealth Group Inc (UNH). Historically, the long-term trend of the index is upward, reflecting the growth of the economy and corporate earnings over time. However, it experiences periods of volatility and declines based on economic conditions, monetary policies, and global events. SPX500USD, SPX500_USD
    Stable Coin Cryptocurrencies designed to minimize the volatility of the price of the stablecoin, relative to some "stable" asset or basket of assets. A stablecoin can be pegged to a cryptocurrency, fiat money, or to exchange-traded commodities (such as precious metals or industrial metals). Crypto Currency
    Stacking If you have been pulled into a position and it has moved contrary to indication, that current position is now negative. To help regain some capital and margin, and to keep earning money, some traders stack positions (sometimes called “averaging down”). Forex, margin
    Standard Candle Properties


    - The color is generally displayed as green and red candles (or white and black candles). 

    Green candles are bullish, closing higher than the open. 

    - Red candles are bearish, closing lower than the open. 

    Standard Candle Properties cont.

    Body Size 

    The body size represents the degree to which the bulls overcome the bears (green candle) or the bears overcome the bulls (red candle). 

    A large body shows increased commitment. 

    A small body shows reduced commitment.

    Standard Candle Properties Cont.


    - The range of the candle is the distance from the high to the low, and represents the volatility of the price during the trading season. 

    -A wide range shows increased volatility. 

    - A narrow range shows reduced volatility. 

    Standard Candle Properties Cont.

    Shadow Location

    - Shadows above the real body show rejection of higher prices (selling). 

    -Shadows below the real body show rejection of lower prices (buying). 

    Support and Resistance (SR) The Support & Resistance (SR) Indicator in the Arbitrage Bands Trading System allows you to watch the support and resistance lines of one band on every timeframe. This allows us to visually see the trend across all timeframes. Support, Resistance, SR, indicator
    Sustain The Sustain Indicator in the Arbitrage Bands Trading System is designed to determine the sustainability of a trend on the 7 Arbitrage Bands. The Sustain Indicator complements the Omega Indicator; while Omega measures volatility, Sustain measures speed and direction. Sustain, indicator
    Take Profit Goals Arbitrage Trade Assist will make an effort to get to the set profit goals for each assisted trade. If the program determines that the trade's profit goals can not be met, it will take the current profit of the trade. By default, Take Profit Price will be automatically calculated (1% of account balance) and Take Profit will be set to 15 pips. Advance and Premier Plan members can customize these values. If you enable Enforce Tape Profit, ATA will ignore all take profit alerts until one of the two set goals is reached. ATA setting, risk management
    Target Exit Point The predetermined price at which security would be sold at a lucrative yet achievable profit. Price Target
    Tether Tether is a blockchain-based cryptocurrency whose cryptocoins in circulation are backed by an equivalent amount of traditional fiat currencies, like the dollar, the euro or the Japanese yen, which are held in a designated bank account. Tether tokens, the native tokens of the Tether network, trade under the USDT symbol. Crypto Currency
    Three Black Crows

    The stock has closed at its lowest point of the day for three days in a row. 

    Tick The Tick Indicator in the Arbitrage Bands Trading System was designed to show new highs and new lows. When you see the green line on top, you should be playing bullish. When you see the red line on top, you should be playing bearish. If it is flat on both, stay out and wait for a direction to present itself. Tick, indicator
    Tick Pro The Tick Pro Indicator takes the Tick Indicator to the next level by allowing the Arbitrage Bands Trading System to span multiple trends, timeframes, or bands. This allows you to ignore minor highs and minor lows and just focus on the major trend. Tick Pro, indicator
    Tool Tips The Tool Tips Indicator in the Arbitrage Bands Trading System is the educational add-on to the Arbitrage Bands Trading System. This should be used to help you learn our system while you also learn how to trade. Hover over the labels to receive tooltips! Tool Tips, indicator
    Top Sideways and Bottom (TSB) The Top Sideways and Bottom (TSB) Indicator in the Arbitrage Bands Trading System was designed to act like a circuit. The market has three phases: a buy trend, a sell trend, and a sideways (oscillating) trend. TSB lets you know which phase is currently in progress. Top, Sideways, Bottom, TSB, indicator
    Trade Expiration

    Trade Expiration helps you not spend too much time in a trade that has gone in the wrong direction for your position. The time allotted before a trade expires is based solely on your Investment Setting. If the trade is open when the time expires, ATA will automatically close the trade, regardless of if it is for a profit or for a loss.

    If you enable this feature, it will only be active for new trades; it will not affect your currently open trades. Once you have a new open trade after enabling Trade Expiration, you can see how much time is left on the open trade by looking at the Open Trades table on your WallStreet page. It is depicted by a small clock; hover over the clock to see its expiration date.

    ATA setting, risk management
    Trading Floor The location at the stock exchange where the securities are bought and sold.
    Trailing Stop While the previous Risk Management Settings are there to protect against large drawdowns, a Tailing Stop is there to protect your profit; it is the maximum amount of money you are willing to give back when you are in a positive position. The default value is 0.5% of full account balance, but you can change that value. This setting will not activate until the unrealized gains on that position is over your trailing stop value or that much under your trailing stop value. Once triggered, it is protecting your unrealized gains and protecting against further losses. The trailing stop adjusts up as your profit increases. If your profit decreases to a value greater than or equal to your trailing stop value, Arbitrage Trade Assist will automatically take profit.
    ATA setting, risk management
    Trend The direction in which the candles are traveling, either above or below the RSI Line. RSI Line
    Trend Reversal Awareness Protection (TRAP) Trend Reversal Awareness Protection (TRAP) is a setting that prevents Arbitrage Trade Assist from entering into a new trade that has a low probability of success due to its location within the band system.  The TRAP setting has two pieces: TRAP Top and TRAP Bottom.  The default setting for Trap Top is +2 (meaning 2 standard deviations above the mean); the default setting for TRAP Bottom is -2 (meaning 2 standard deviations below the mean).  You can adjust these defaults to be anywhere between 3 standard deviations around the mean.  Your settings do not have to be symmetric.  If you only turn on the TRAP setting, then that range is your only trading universe.  For example, if you are in a long/buy position and the pair price reaches +2 standard deviations from the mean, Arbitrage Trade Assist will automatically take profit, regardless of your Take Profit Pips Goal.  You have the option to enable Aggressive TRAP.
    ATA setting, risk management

    The TRY/USD (this currency pair is not currently supported by Oanda brokerage) currency pair represents the exchange rate between the Turkish lira (TRY) and the Japanese yen (JPY). If you are trading TRY/JPY and want to diversify your portfolio, consider trading EUR/TRY, USD/JPY, AUD/JPY, GBP/TRY (this currency is not currently supported by Oanda brokerage), or USD/TRY.

    Tweezer Bottom

    -BULLISH Pattern, identifying a Support Level.

    - 2 or more candles with the LOW point achieving the same level. 

    - Candles can be either color. 

    Candles, Bullish Reversal Strategy VI
    Tweezer Top

    BEARISH Pattern, identifying a Resistance Level 

    - 2 or more candles with the HIGH point achieving the same level. 

    - Candles can be either color. 

    Candles, Bearish Reversal Strategy VI
    UK100 / GBP The UK100/GBP pair represents the exchange rate between the Financial Times Stock Exchange Index (UK100) and the British pound sterling (GBP).The FTSE 100 Index is a stock market index representing the top 100 companies listed on the London Stock Exchange in terms of market capitalization. This index is heavily influenced by international companies, with many constituents earning a significant portion of their revenues from abroad. This international exposure means that the index can sometimes react more to global economic conditions than purely domestic UK events. Some companies that are traded on the FTSE include AstraZeneca, Shell, Unilever, and GlaxoSmithKline. UK100GBP, UK100_GBP
    Units Unit of Currency. Forex, Lot Size
    Upward Gap Tasuki

    BULLISH 2 candle Continuation Pattern

    - Uptrend gaps up to a GREEN candle.

    - Followed by RED candle opening inside & closing below the green candle's real body. 

    Candles, Bullish Continuation Strategy
    US2000 / USD

    The US2000/USD pair represents the exchange rate between the Russell 2000 Index (US2000) and the United States dollar (USD). The Russell 2000 Index is a stock market index that represents the performance of approximately 2,000 small-cap companies in the United States. The companies in the Russell 2000 are typically smaller and potentially more agile, often offering higher growth potential compared to their large-cap counterparts. The index is reconstituted annually to ensure it accurately reflects the current composition of the small-cap market. The index includes companies from a broad array of sectors, providing a comprehensive look at the small-cap market; this diversity helps investors gain exposure to different areas of the economy through a single index. Since the Russell 2000 includes primarily domestic companies, it is often seen as a good indicator of the domestic economic environment, unaffected by the performance of global markets unlike some large-cap indices.

    US2000USD, US2000_USD
    US30 / USD

    The US30/USD pair represents the exchange rate between the Dow Jones Industrial Average (US30) and the United States dollar (USD). The Dow Jones Index is one of the oldest and most well-known stock market indices in the world. It consists of 30 prominent companies listed on stock exchanges in the United States. Companies are selected by the editors of the Wall Street Journal. (There is no fixed formula for inclusion; decisions are made on a case-by-case basis.) While it initially focused on industrial companies, over time it has included companies from almost all sectors except for utilities and transportation, which have their own indices. Some of the major companies included in the Dow Jones Industrial Average are Apple Inc. (AAPL), The Coca-Cola Company (KO), The Home Depot, Inc. (HD), and Microsoft Corporation (MSFT). While it represents only a fraction of the total market, its historical significance and the large, stable companies it includes make it a crucial indicator of economic trends in the United States and, by extension, the global economy.

    US30USD, US30_USD

    The USD/CAD currency pair represents the exchange rate between the United States dollar (USD) and the Canadian dollar (CAD). Pairs that may trade well with USD/CAD are USD/JPY, AUD/USD, and EUR/USD. Pairs that usually tend to trade against USD/CAD include USD/CHF, GBP/USD, and NZD/USD.

    USD/CHF The USD/CHF currency pair represents the exchange rate between the United States dollar (USD) and the Swiss franc (CHF). If you are trading USD/CHF and want to diversify your portfolio, consider trading EUR/USD, USD/JPY, AUD/USD, or NZD/USD. USDCHF, USD_CHF

    The USD/CNH (this currency pair is not currently supported by Oanda brokerage) currency pair represents the exchange rate between the United States dollar (USD) and the Chinese Yuan (CNH). If you are trading USD/CNH and want to diversify your portfolio, consider trading EUR/USD or USD/JPY.


    The USD/CZK currency pair represents the exchange rate between the United States dollar (USD) and the Czech koruna (CZK). If you are trading USD/CZK and want to diversify your portfolio, consider trading EUR/USD, USD/JPY, AUD/USD, USD/CHF, GBP/JPY, or EUR/GBP.

    USD/DKK The USD/DKK currency pair represents the exchange rate between the United States dollar (USD) and the Danish krone (DKK). If you are trading USD/DKK and want to diversify your portfolio, consider trading USD/JPY, EUR/USD, AUD/USD, or GBP/USD. USDDKK, USD_DKK

    The USD/HKD currency pair represents the exchange rate between the United States dollar (USD) and the Hong Kong dollar (HKD). If you are trading USD/HKD and want to diversify your portfolio, consider trading USD/JPY, EUR/USD, or AUD/USD.

    USD/HUF The USD/HUF currency pair represents the exchange rate between the United States dollar (USD) and the Hungarian forint (HUF). If you are trading USD/HUF and want to diversify your portfolio, consider trading USD/JPY, EUR/USD, AUD/USD, or GBP/CHF. USDHUF, USD_HUF
    USD/JPY The USD/JPY currency pair represents the exchange rate between the United States dollar (USD) and the Japanese yen (JPY). USD/JPY is one of the most widely traded currency pairs in the Forex market. Pairs that usually trade well with USD/JPY are USD/CHF, USD/CAD, and AUD/USD. Currency pairs that may be inversely correlated with USD/JPY include EUR/USD and GBP/USD. USDJPY, USD_JPY

    The USD/MXN currency pair represents the exchange rate between the United States dollar (USD) and the Mexican peso (MXN). If you are trading USD/MXN and want to diversify your portfolio, consider trading USD/JPY, EUR/USD, AUD/USD, or USD/CHF.


    The USD/NOK currency pair represents the exchange rate between the United States dollar (USD) and the Norwegian kroner (NOK). If you are trading USD/NOK and want to diversify your portfolio, consider trading USD/SEK, EUR/NOK, USD/CHF, AUD/NOK (this currency pair is not currently supported by Oanda brokerage), or USD/CAD.


    The USD/PLN currency pair represents the exchange rate between the United States dollar (USD) and the Polish zloty (PLN). If you are trading USD/PLN and want to diversify your portfolio, consider trading EUR/USD, USD/JPY, GBP/PLN, AUD/USD, or USD/CHF.


    The USD/SEK currency pair represents the exchange rate between the United States dollar (USD) and the Swedish krona (SEK). Currency pairs that usually trade well alongside USD/SEK include EUR/USD, GBP/USD, and USD/JPY. Pairs that typically trade against USD/SEK include EUR/SEK, GBP/SEK (this currency pair is not currently supported by Oanda brokerage), and NOK/SEK (this currency pair is not currently supported by Oanda brokerage).


    The USD/SGD currency pair represents the exchange rate between the United States dollar (USD) and the Singapore dollar (SGD). If you are trading USD/SGD and want to diversify your portfolio, consider trading EUR/AUD, USD/JPY, GBP/CAD, or AUD/CHF.


    The USD/THB currency pair represents the exchange rate between the United States dollar (USD) and the Thai baht (THB). If you are trading USD/THB and want to diversify your portfolio, consider trading USD/JPY, AUD/USD, USD/SGD, EUR/USD, or GBP/JPY.


    The USD/TRY currency pair represents the exchange rate between the United States dollar (USD) and the Turkish lira (TRY). If you are trading USD/TRY and want to diversify your portfolio, consider trading EUR/USD, USD/JPY, GBP/USD, USD/CHF, or AUD/USD.


    The USD/ZAR currency pair represents the exchange rate between the United States dollar (USD) and the South African rand (ZAR). Pairs that may trade well with USD/ZAR include USD/JPY and EUR/USD. Pairs that usually trade against USD/ZAR are AUD/USD and USD/CHF.

    Volume The number of shares for a particular security traded in a day.
    Wallet A cryptocurrency wallet is an app that allows cryptocurrency users to store and retrieve their digital assets.  Crypto Currency
    WallStreet When logged in to your Arbitrage account, the WallStreet page will provide an overview of your Arbitrage Trade Assist Account, followed currencies, and open account trades. You can find the percent of margin used at the top of the WallStreet page. forex, Trade Assist
    Watching for Buy Entry Both the Apocalypse Band and Arbitrage Bands are in the LDZ, but a BUY signal has not been confirmed within the Arbitrage Band.  Apocalypse Band, Arbitrage Band, and Lower Danger Zone (LDZ)
    Watching for Sell Entry Both the Apocalypse Band and Arbitrage Bands are in the UDZ, but a SELL signal has not been confirmed within the Arbitrage Band. Apocalypse Band, Arbitrage Band, and Upper Danger Zone (UDZ)

    The WTICO/USD pair represents the value of one barrel of West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil, expressed in United States dollars (USD). West Texas Intermediate is a notable player in the oil industry, operating primarily in the West Texas region. It is a privately held company headquartered in Houston, Texas, and offers a variety of services that includes drilling, frac stack and flowback, wireline operations, torque and test services, and coil tubing chemicals. The USD/CAD currency pair is closely correlated with WTI oil prices due to Canada's significant oil exports. The WTICO/USD pair is known for its volatility, with prices reacting sharply to news and events. This provides opportunities for traders but also necessitates robust risk management strategies.

    XAG / USD

    The XAG/USD pair represents the exchange rate between silver (XAG) and the U.S. dollar (USD), and it shows how many U.S. dollars are needed to purchase one troy ounce of silver. It is one of the commonly traded currency pairs in the forex market. The price of silver in USD can be influenced by a variety of factors including industrial demand, mining supply, market sentiment, geopolitical stability, and macroeconomic factors such as inflation rates and the monetary policies of the U.S. Federal Reserve. Silver, while less liquid than gold, is still considered a safe-haven asset in times of economic uncertainty. When trading XAG/USD, it's crucial for traders to stay informed about both the forex and commodity markets, as factors affecting either can influence silver prices.

    XAU / USD

    The XAU/USD pair represents the exchange rate between gold (XAU) and the U.S. dollar (USD), and it shows how many U.S. dollars are needed to purchase one troy ounce of gold. The price of gold is influenced by factors such as U.S. economic data, changes in U.S. monetary policy, shifts in the value of the U.S. dollar, and global demand for gold. Gold is considered a safe-haven asset and often attracts buying interest during times of geopolitical tension, economic instability, or market volatility. XAU/USD is heavily traded by both retail and institutional investors. It's a popular tool for hedging against inflation and currency devaluation. The XAU/USD rate is not just a reflection of gold's intrinsic value or its status as a commodity; it is also a gauge of the global economic environment and investor psychology.

    Z The Z Indicator in the Arbitrage Bands Trading System is used to visually display Z-scores for each band. This allows you to see when probability is reaching its limit so that you can stay within what is probable and possible. Z, indicator
    Z-Pro The Z-Pro Indicator takes the Z Indicator to the next level by allowing the Arbitrage Bands Trading System to span multiple timeframes and display multiple Z-scores at the same time. Z-Pro, indicator

    The ZAR/JPY currency pair represents the exchange rate between the South African rand (ZAR) and the Japanese yen (JPY). If you are trading ZAR/JPY and want to trade a complementary pair, consider USD/ZAR. If you want to trade a contrasting currency pair, consider EUR/JPY.